Copying Universal Templates

Copying Universal Templates


You can make copies of all Universal Controller records, including Universal Templates, using the standard method for Copying a Record: selecting Insert on the Action menu.

However, you also can use the Copy action on the Universal Template Action menu or the Copy button in the Universal Template Details.

Copying a Universal Template will copy the following:

  • Universal Template record.
  • Universal Template Field records for the Universal Template parent record.
  • Universal Template Field Choice records for the Choice type Universal Template Field parent records.

Copying One or More Universal Templates from a Universal Templates List

Step 1

From the Administration navigation pane, select Configuration> Universal Templates to display the Universal Templates list.

Step 2

Locate the Universal Template(s) you want to copy (see Filtering).

Step 3

Copy the Universal Template(s):
Copy One Universal Template

  1. Right-click the Universal Template Name.
  2. On the Action menu, select Copy. A Copy Universal Template pop-up dialog displays.

  3. Enter a new name for the Universal Template.
  4. Click Submit to create a copy of the Universal Template.

Copy Multiple Universal Templates

  1. Ctrl-Click the Universal Templates you want to copy.
  2. Right-click any of the selected Universal Templates.
  3. On the Action menu, select Copy.
  4. On the Confirmation pop-up that displays, click OK. The copied Universal Templates are added to the list, with - Copy added as a suffix to the Universal Template Name for each Universal Template. If a Universal Template with that - Copy name already exists, another copy is not created.

Copying a Universal Template from the Universal Template Details

Step 1

Select a Universal Template from the Universal Template list. The Universal Template Details for that Universal Template displays.

Step 2


  • Click the Copy button.
  • Right-click the Details to display the Action menu, and then click Copy.

A Copy Universal Template pop-up dialog displays.

Step 3

Enter a new name for the Universal Template.

Step 4

Click Submit to create a copy of the Universal Template.

Copy Permissions

To copy a Universal Template, you must have either the ops_admin or ops_universal_template_admin role.


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