Variable Functions

Variable Functions


The command line syntax for each execution of the CLI command, uagcmd, must specify a single CLI function, required / optional Global parameters, and required / optional function-specific parameters. You must use the required Global parameters to connect to OMS Servers and to log on to a Controller (User ID and Password).

Universal Controller supports the following CLI functions for Variables, which are listed alphabetically on this page.

Syntax, parameters, and examples for each function are provided.

List Variables


Lists the specified variable(s).


uagcmd ops-variable-list global parameters variable-name=name variable-scope=scope [task-name=name] [trigger-name=name] [options=v]


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • variable-name=
    Optional; Name or partial name of one or more variables. Wildcards are supported.
  • variable-scope=
    Optional; One of the following (not case sensitive): global (default), task, trigger, local (task or trigger). Defines the type of variable being listed. A global variable is created independently by selecting Variables from the Universal Controller user interface navigator. A trigger variable is attached to a trigger; a task variable is attached to a task. A localvariable can be either a task or trigger variable.
  • task-name=
    Required if variable-scope=task; A single task name.
  • trigger-name=
    Required if variable-scope=trigger; A single trigger name.
  • options=
    Optional; v (Return verbose results.)


uagcmd ops-variable-list -c config.cfg variable-name=abc variable-scope=task task-name=Task A

Set Variables


Sets the specified variable.


uagcmd ops-variable-set global parameters variable-name=name variable-scope=scope variable-value=string [variable-description=description] [task-name=name] [trigger-name=name] create=option


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • variable-name=
    Required; Name of a specific variable. The name must begin with an alphabetic character and can consist of: alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), _ (underscore). White spaces are not permitted; names are not case-sensitive.
  • variable-scope=
    Optional; One of the following (not case sensitive}: global (default), task, trigger. In cases where there may be more than one occurrence of the specified variable, variable-scope= defines which one should be set. A global variable is created independently by selecting Variables from the Universal Controller user interface navigation pane. A trigger variable is attached to a trigger; a task variable is attached to a task.
  • variable-value=
    Required; String that will become the value of the specified variable. UTF-8 character set is supported.
  • variable-description=
    Optional; Description of the variable.
  • task-name=
    Required if variable-scope=task; A single task name.
  • trigger-name=
    Required if variable-scope=trigger; A single trigger name.
  • create=
    Required; Specification (yes or no) for whether or not a new variable may be created for this request.


uagcmd ops-variable-set -c config.cfg variable-name=myvar1 variable-value=mydata1 create=yes 


CLI supports modifying only certain types of variables - see Modifying Variables.

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