The command line syntax for each execution of the CLI command, uagcmd, must specify a single CLI function, required / optional Global parameters, and required / optional function-specific parameters. You must use the required Global parameters to connect to OMS Servers and to log on to a Controller (User ID and Password).
Universal Controller supports the following CLI functions for Tasks in Workflows, which are listed alphabetically on this page.
- Clear Predecessor Dependencies
- Insert a Task into a Workflow Instance with Dependencies
- List Predecessors / Successors of a Task Instance in a Workflow
Syntax, parameters, and examples for each function are provided.
Clear Predecessor Dependencies
Description | Clears all predecessor dependencies of a task instance in a Workflow. |
Syntax | uagcmd ops-task-clear-predecessors global parameters {task-instance-id=ID | task-instance-name=name} [instance-criteria=criteria] [workflow-instance-name=name] predecessor-name=name
Parameters | task-instance-id= Required if task-instance-name= is not specified; sys_id of the task instance to run the command on.task-instance-name= Required if task-instance-id= is not specified; Name of the task instance to run the command on. (If instance-criteria= is not specified, the oldest active task instance with the matching name will apply.)instance-criteria= Optional if task-instance-name= is specified; One of the following (not case-sensitive): oldest_active_instance (default), oldest_instance, newest_active_instance, newest_instance.workflow-instance-name= Optional; Name of the workflow instance.predecessor-name= Required; One of the following: Name of the predecessor dependency to clear or an asterisk ( * ) to clear all predecessor dependencies.
Example |
uagcmd ops-task-clear-predecessors -c config.cfg task-instance-name=Task A predecessor-name=Resource B
Insert a Task into a Workflow Instance with Dependencies
Description | Inserts a task into a Workflow instance with dependencies. |
Syntax | uagcmd ops-task-insert global parameters {workflow-instance-id=ID | workflow-instance-name=name} [workflow-instance-criteria=criteria] {task-id=ID | task-name=name} [vertex-x=x-coordinate] [vertex-y=y-coordinate] [alias=task alias] [inherit-trigger-time=option] {predecessors=predecessors list | successors=successors list }
Parameters | |
Example |
uagcmd ops-task-insert -c config.cfg workflow-instance-name=Workflow A task-name=Task 5A successors=Task 5B,Task 5C
List Predecessors / Successors of a Task Instance in a Workflow
Description | Lists predecessors and/or successors of a task instance within a workflow. |
Syntax | uagcmd ops-task-dependency-list global parameters workflow-instance-name=name [instance-criteria=criteria] {task-instance-id=ID | task-instance-name=name} [dependency-type=type]
Parameters | task-instance-id= Required if task-instance-name= is not specified; sys_id of the task instance whose predecessors and/or successors you want to list.task-instance-name= Required if task-instance-id= is not specified; Name of the task instance whose predecessors and/or successors you want to list.dependency-type= Optional; One of the following (not case sensitive): predecessors or successors. If dependency-type= is not specified, all predecessors and successors of the specified task instance are listed.workflow-instance-name= Required; Name of the workflow instance. (If instance-criteria= is not specified, the oldest active Workflow instance with the matching name will apply.)instance-criteria= Optional; One of the following (not case-sensitive): oldest_active_instance (default), oldest_instance, newest_active_instance, newest_instance.options= Optional; v (Return verbose results.)
Example |
uagcmd ops-task-dependency-list -c config.cfg task-instance-id=14714650784870352570T7OR91KT5QSM