Universal Agent Release Notes

Universal Agent Release Notes

Scalability Enhancements

B-07133: Allow User Configurable Max OMS Connections Limit

This item includes scalability testing to demonstrate support for at least 30,000 agent connections to a single OMS.

Installation Packaging Changes

B-06846: AIX install package change from installp to rpm

The installation packaging for AIX systems has been updated to use rpm packaging.

OMS Configuration

B-08611: Add ability to bind the agent's OMS socket to a specific IP address

For servers with multiple network connections, it is now possible to bind OMS network communication to a specific network adapter.

z/OS Agent Job Tracking Enhancements

B-08469: Allow job tracking data to be collected when UAG is down

For z/OS jobs initiated from the Universal Controller, the Universal Agent can now track Job and Job/Step completions when the Universal Broker started task is shut down. This information is preserved until the Universal Broker started task is restarted.

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