Universal Controller Release Notes

Universal Controller Release Notes

Universal Tasks

The Universal Task allows Universal Controller users to implement new task types that are specific to their own in house applications, utilities, or third party vendor applications.

In cases where customers are using a generic script with a Windows or Unix/Linux Universal Agent-based task, they can now create a customized task form that encapsulates the specific input needed for that command or script.

Firstly, an administrator creates a Universal Template, defining the template command or script along with all of the required input fields used to map the task form input fields to variables that are used with the template command or script.

This new Universal Task type will appear under the "Universal Tasks" folder in the "Automation Center" menu. Authorized users can use the new task type to create and work with these tasks.

Script Credentials & New Resolvable Credential Type

For Distributed tasks and Universal Tasks that support Scripts stored in the Script Library or Universal Template definitions, you can now provide access to Credential information (that is, Username and Password) without needing to hardcode these values in the Script definition.

To support this functionality, a new "resolvable" credential type has been introduced. Pre-existing credentials are now referred to as "standard" credentials.

Credential Encryption Changes

Encryption of credentials has been strengthened (AES with 128-bit keys). Standard and Resolvable credentials use different keys; therefore, an encrypted password for a Standard credential cannot be decrypted by the Resolvable credential framework.

Automation Center Navigation Tree Customization

Each User can now customize their Automation Center Navigation Tree by right clicking from anywhere in the Automation Center Navigation Tree and selecting "Configure Navigation Tree."

Control Group Navigation Visibility

For users of a particular Group, the visibility of specific navigation tree "nodes" can be controlled through a new option, "Control Navigation Visibility," on the Group definition (form). By default, the "Control Navigation Visibility" option is unchecked, which implies users in the Group have visibility to everything as per the behavior today (backwards compatible).

Action URLs

Action URLs let you automatically perform actions in the user interface.

There are two action URLs:




Navigates to a specific record in the user interface.


Runs a Report and displays the report output without navigating to the Report record.

If you do not have an authenticated browser session, regardless of the URL that you specify, you will be redirected to the login page to authenticate. Once authenticated, the action URL will proceed.

User Definable Fields

Two new System Properties allow you to add up to two new “user-defined” fields to all tasks.

Each field is a 255 bytes text field, and…

  • Can contain a click-able URL
  • Is reportable
  • Is Filterable
  • Available to add to your task views (Columns)

API Enhancements

The RESTful Web Services API of the Universal Controller was extended with additional functionality:

  • Task Instance Cancel
  • Task Instance Hold / Release
  • Task Instance Force Finish
  • Task Instance Force Finish Halt
  • Task Instance Force Finish Cancel
  • Task Instance Force Finish Cancel Halt
  • Task Instance Rerun
  • Assign / Unassign Trigger Execution User
  • List Workflow Task Instances
  • List Task Instances
  • Create / Modify / Delete / List - Universal Tasks
  • Create / Modify / Delete / List - Task Monitor Trigger
  • Create / Modify / Delete / List - Variable Monitor Trigger
  • Create / Modify / Delete / List - Manual Task
  • Create / Modify / Delete / List - Application Monitor
  • Manual Tasks Set Started
  • Manual Tasks Set Complete
  • List Business Services
  • List Calendars
  • List Custom Days
  • Task Instance in Workflow - Skip
  • Task Instance in Workflow - Skip Path
  • Task Instance in Workflow - Unskip
  • Task Instance in Workflow - Set Priority

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