Universal Controller Release Notes

Release Notes

Universal Controller release contains the following high-level features. For a complete list of all the included features and fixes, please refer to the Universal Controller 7.7.x Maintenance list.


E-02013OpenAPI / Swagger Integration

The OpenAPI document is exposed via the following URLs.

  • /resources/openapi.json

  • /resources/openapi.yaml

  • /resources/openapi with Accept header application/json or application/yaml

You can access the Swagger UI, which is used to visualize and interact with an OpenAPI document, from a new icon on the toolbar.

Swagger UI will open in a new browser tab, as shown below.

B-18649Dashboard Visibility Multiple Group Assignments

The Dashboard Visibility mechanism has been enhanced to allow dashboard visibility selection of either:

  • Me

  • Everyone

  • One or more groups

B-18650Report Visibility Multiple Group Assignments

The Report Visibility mechanism has been enhanced to allow report visibility selection of either:

  • Me

  • Everyone

  • One or more groups

B-18651Filter Visibility Multiple Group Assignments

The Filter Visibility mechanism has been enhanced to allow filter visibility selection of either:

  • Me

  • Everyone

  • One or more groups

B-18349Increase Length of ops_task_file_monitor.'scan_text'The Agent File Monitor Scan Text field can now accommodate up to 256 characters.
B-19944Add Optional Universal Event Publication to Simulated TasksThe publishing of the status change and SLA system universal events is now tied to the Publish Status, Publish Late Start, Publish Late Finish, and Publish Early Finish simulation options, which are false by default.
B-20633*Provide one time use property to allow maintenance to be run even with exceptions. An advanced option providing support with more flexibility while aiding customers with a maintenance upgrade.

Data Pipelines



New Task Instance Built-in Variable for Execution User Email Address


For this, and all other functions, refer to the Function user documentation.

B-20394*SAP Task : Built in Variables for SAP Credential Name and UUID

For this, and all other built-in variables, refer to the Built-In Variables user documentation.

Secrets Management

B-16769Credential Provider - HashiCorp Vault

A new Credential Provider, HashiCorp Vault, is now supported from the Universal Controller Credentials.


E-02008Security Hardening

The Universal Controller was enhanced to mitigate a number of security related items identified through static code analysis, and penetration testing results gathered both internally and externally.

  • B-12929: SonarQube: Use another cipher mode or disable padding.
  • B-17037: Add Content-Security-Policy header.
  • B-19945: Pentest analysis and mitigation (external).
  • B-20214: Server-side request forgery analysis, and mitigation.
  • B-20368: Pentest analysis and mitigation (internal).
  • D-12789*: SonarQube: Critical and Blocker Bug and Vulnerabilities mitigation.



OAuth2 - Single Sign-On & API Bearer Token

Universal Controller now supports OAuth2 Single Sign-On, and OAuth2 Bearer Token Web Service API access.

Optionally, you can turn on the provisioning of users through Access or ID Token attributes.

B-20450Allow manually provisioned user to be updated by SSO provisioning.

Introduction of SAML and OAuth uc.properties applying to Single Sign-On and User Provisioning.

  • uc.oauth.can_provision_local
  • uc.oauth.can_provision_any_idp
  • uc.saml.can_provision_local
  • uc.saml.can_provision_any_idp

See Properties for specifications.

User Experience



Add Simulate to Trigger Definition

The Simulate field has been introduced on Trigger forms to specify if the instances generated by the Trigger should execute under simulation mode.

This is an enhancement of the existing functionality that allowed users to specify simulation mode on the Trigger Now... command pop-up window.

B-10815Permissions: Allow Multiple Selection of Commands

You can now assign multiple Commands to a single Permission record.

B-18566User Preference / System Property "Navigation Bar Auto Collapse".

Introduction of a user preference and system property that can be configured at the user level and/or system level, to control the initial state of the navigation bar on login.

You can reopen the navigation bar anytime by clicking on the icon identified below.

B-20491Trigger Now should launch task in asynchronous process.To provide an improved command response to the client, the Trigger Now command will create the associated instances in an asynchronous process regardless of the number of tasks associated with the trigger.

Universal Integration Platform (UIP)

B-17082Universal Template - Script Variable Fields

Allow a Universal Script field type to be toggled between a reference to a Script and a variable that resolves to the name of a Script.

B-17083Universal Template - Database Connection Variable Fields

Allow a Universal Database Connection field type to be toggled between a reference to a Database Connection and a variable that resolves to the name of a Database Connection.

B-20282Universal Template - SAP Connection Variable Fields

Allow a Universal SAP Connection field type to be toggled between a reference to a SAP Connection and a variable that resolves to the name of a SAP Connection.

B-20256Universal Template - Static (Non-dynamic) Choice Field Variable Support

Allow a static Universal Choice field type, with pre-defined choice values, to be specified as a variable and resolved at runtime.

Web Service API



User Preferences Web Service APIsList, Read and Update User Preference Web Service APIs have been added. 
B-18690Trigger Set Skip Count Web Service APISet Skip Count Trigger Web Service API has been added.

Workload Analytics / Observability

B-19941*Populate 'uc_license_monthly_executions_used' metric even when licensed monthly executions Unlimited.The uc_license_monthly_executions_used metric now emits a value even when the licensed Monthly Executions is Unlimited.

Workload Automation

E-01963External z/OS Monitor

You can now monitor on and/or trigger on IBM z/OS jobs not scheduled or launched by the Universal Controller.

From Services, you can access z/OS Monitors under Monitors, and z/OS Monitor Triggers under Triggers.

  • B-10831: External z/OS Monitor Task

You specify your monitoring criteria from the z/OS Monitor.

  • B-18658: External z/OS Monitor Trigger

To monitor continuously and trigger workload based on external IBM z/OS jobs, you can configure a z/OS Monitor Trigger, which requires a z/OS Monitor.

  • B-18659: External z/OS Monitor Trigger - Composite Trigger Integration

You can also configure a z/OS Monitor Component as part of a Composite Trigger.

E-01973IBM i

You can now register IBM i Agents with the Universal Controller and schedule workload using the new IBM i Task, and/or the Extension-based Universal Template/Task IBM i Agent integration.

From Services, you can access IBM i Tasks under Tasks, and IBM i Agents and IBM i Agent Clusters under Agents.

  • B-18570: IBM i Native Task Type

  • B-18574: IBM i Agent Type, and Extension-based Universal Template/Task Integration

  • B-18571: IBM i Agent Type

  • B-18576: IBM i Agent Cluster Type

  • B-18577: IBM i Agent Type License Option

E-01975Workflow - Boolean / Condition Expression

In the Workflow Editor, you can now specify a Condition Expression for the direct predecessor dependencies of a Task vertex.

An incoming edge from a vertex denotes a predecessor condition. By default, all predecessor conditions must be satisfied before a task can start.

To change the default behavior, you can specify a custom Condition Expression by clicking View/Edit Condition Expression.

You can then use the Condition Expression builder to specify your desired expression.

For the Condition Expression above, the predecessor dependencies of Task D will be satisfied when the following conditions have been met.

(Task A is Success, Finished or Skipped) and ((Task B is Success, Finished or Skipped) or (Task C is Success, Finished or Skipped))

Refer to Specifying a Condition Expression in the user documentation for more information.

B-18517Support Negative Exit Codes for Windows based Workloads

You can now specify negative exit codes for Windows Task Exit Code Processing Exit Code(s).

* Defect fix or feature available in maintenance for prior release.