Talend Cloud

Talend Cloud


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This Universal Task provides the capabilities for running API commands of Talend Cloud related to executing and managing various tasks and plans within your Talend environment, with additional functionalities like monitoring execution statuses and handling dependencies.

Talend Cloud is a data management platform that helps organizations integrate, govern, and manage data across different environments. It can be used for data integration tasks in public, private, and hybrid clouds, as well as on-premises environments. Talend Cloud is designed to help data engineers provide a complete view of data quickly and with integrity. It can be used to modernize data warehouses, build data lakes, and more.

Key Features

The Universal Task provides the following key features:

  • Run executable
  • Run Plan Executable
  • List Executables
  • Monitor execution status
  • Handle failures and provide detailed failure messages

Version Information

Template NameExtension NameExtension Version
Talend Cloudue-cs-talend-cloud1.0.4

Refer to Changelog for version history information.

Software Requirements

Software Requirements for Universal Template and Universal Task

This integration doesn't require any additional packages.

Software Requirements Universal Agent

Only Linux agents are supported:

  • Universal Agent for Linux Version and later with python options installed.

Software Requirements Universal Controller

Universal Controller Version and later.

Import Universal Template

To use the Universal Template, you first must perform the following steps.

  1. This Universal Task requires the Resolvable Credentials feature. Check that the Resolvable Credentials Permitted system property has been set to true.

  2. To import the Universal Template into your Controller, follow the instructions here.

  3. When the files have been imported successfully, refresh the Universal Templates list; the Universal Template will appear on the list.

Configure Universal Task

For a new Universal Task, create a new task, and enter the required input fields.

The following lists the input fields required for a selected Action.

Supported Actions

The following Actions are supported:


Use Case

Required Parameters

Get Subscription Info

Retrieve subscription details of the Talend Cloud environment.

  • Authentication (Type: Credential)
  • Region (Type: Choice)
  • Version (Type: Text)
Run ExecutableRun a specific executable job in Talend Cloud.
  • Authentication (Type: Credential)
  • Region (Type: Choice), Version (Type: Text)
  • Version (Type: Text)
  • Executable (Type: Choice)
  • Wait (Type: Boolean, Optional)
  • Polling Interval (Type: Integer, Optional)
  • Timeout (Type: Integer)
Run Plan ExecutableRun a specific plan consisting of multiple jobs/tasks in sequence.
  • Authentication (Type: Credential)
  • Region (Type: Choice)
  • Version (Type: Text)
  • Plan (Type: Choice)
  • Wait (Type: Boolean, Optional)
  • Polling Interval (Type: Integer, Optional)
  • Timeout (Type: Integer)

Input Fields

The input fields for this Universal Task are described in the following table.

FieldInput TypeDefault ValueTypeDescription
ChoiceThis field allows you to choose the operation you want to perform, such as getting subscription info, running an executable, or running a plan executable.
CredentialWrite the Bearer token (Personal Access Token) value to the token value to authenticate API requests.
ChoiceSelect the region in which your Talend Cloud instance is hosted (e.g., United States, Europe).
VersionOptionalv2.6TextProvide the version of the Talend API you are working with. Defaults to v2.6.
ChoiceThis field will list available executables automatically based on your configuration. This field is only available for action = Run Executable.
ChoiceThis field will list available plans automatically based on your configuration. This field is only available for action = Run Plan Executable.

Wait for success or failure

OptionalfalseBooleanIf selected, the task will continue running until the job reaches either the "SUCCEEDED" or "FAILED" state. This field is only available for actions = Run Executable and Run Plan Executable.
Polling intervalRequired10IntegerThe polling interval, in seconds, to check the execution state. This field is only available if 'Wait' is selected.
Timeout durationRequired60IntegerEnter the timeout duration in seconds for the executable task. This field is only available for action = Run Executable.
Executable IDOutput
TextThis field will output the ID of the executable task. It is restricted to output only and is automatically populated. This field is only available for actions = Run Executable and Run Plan Executable.
Execution IDOutput
TextThis field will output the ID of the execution instance. It is restricted to output only and is automatically populated. This field is only available for actions = Run Executable and Run Plan Executable.

Task Examples

Example - Get Subscription Info

This action can be used for testing purposes. It only gets 

Example - Run Executable

This action will run the executable and monitor the status of the execution.

Example - Run Plan Executable

This action will run the plan executable and monitor the status of the execution.

Task Output

Exit Codes

The exit codes for this Universal Extension are described below.

Exit CodeStatus Classification CodeStatus Classification DescriptionDescription
0SUCCESSSuccessful ExecutionSUCCESS: Successful Task execution
1FAILEDFailed ExecutionTask will return exit code 1 if there is an error with connection and execution


STDOUT and STDERR provide additional information to the User. The populated content can be changed in future versions of this extension without notice. Backward compatibility is not guaranteed.

STDOUT will have the output from API commands.

Document References

This document references the following documents:

Document Link


Universal Templates

User documentation for creating, working with, and understanding Universal Templates and Integrations.

Universal Tasks

User documentation for creating Universal Tasks in the Universal Controller user interface.

Known Issues

  • There are no known issues


ue-cs-talend-cloud-1.0.4 (2024-06-21)

Initial Version

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