


UNV3650E Universal Event Monitor Load ending unsuccessfully with exit code exitcode.


An error occurred within the Universal Event Monitor Load Utility. This message will also be issued if the Universal Event Monitor Server encountered problems while processing the definition changes. exitcode is the value returned by the UEM Load utility.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Look for other messages issued by the Universal Event Monitor load utility. Check the Universal Broker message log for any errors reported by the Universal Event Monitor Server. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3651E A database operation was not specified.


The operation to perform against the Universal Event Monitor database was not specified from the UEM Load utility's command line.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Enter the requested operation, either 'add', 'update', 'delete', 'list' or 'export' on the UEM Load utility command line.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3652E A load file, event definition or event handler is required.


When adding, updating or deleting definition records, you must provide a definition load file (with the -deffile command line parameter or redirected via stdin), or specify the -event_id and/or -handler_id command line parameter(s).



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Retry the command, providing either a definition load file, or -event_id and/or -handler_id parameters, along with the appropriate values for each.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3653E An event definition or event handler may not specified with a load file.


When adding, updating or deleting definition records using the -deffile parameter, the -event_id or -handler_id parameters may not be used.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Remove the -deffile parameter, leaving the -event_id and/or -handler_id parameters. You may also remove the -event_id and/or -handler_id parameters, leaving just the -deffile parameter.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3654W The definition load file will be ignored.


The UEM Load utility issues this message when it receives a request to list event definition and/or event handler records, and the -deffile parameter was specified.



System Action

The load file is ignored, and the program continues processing the list request.

User Action

To eliminate this warning, either:

- Remove the -deffile parameter from the UEM Load command line

- Use the -export command to write the requested records to the file specified by the -deffile parameter


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3655E An event type was not provided for the event definition eventid.


A request was made to add an event definition, but no event type was specified. eventid is the ID of the event definition that contains the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Use the -eventtype parameter to identify the type of event being added. Refer to the Universal Event Monitor User's Guide for a complete list of supported event types.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3656E No file name was provided for the event definition eventid.


A request was made to add an event definition of type "FILE", but no value was given for the file specification. This file specification is the file name or pattern whose creation should be monitored by the event definition. eventid is the ID of the event definition that contains the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Use the -filespec parameter to provide the name of a file or a name pattern that the event definition will use to match against files on the target system.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3657E No command or script was specified for the event handler handlerid.


A request was made to add an event handler definition, but no command or script file containing commands to execute was specified. handlerid is the ID of the event handler that contains the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Use the -cmd or -script command line parameters to specify the commands that the event handler should execute. If a load file was specified using the -deffile command line option, a set of in-line script statements may be specified using the 'stmt' keyword within a 'begin_script'/'end_script' block.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3658E A command and script were specified for execution of the event handler handlerid.


A request was made to add or update an event handler, but a command and script file were specified as the actions to take whenever UEM executes the handler process. The -cmd and -script options are mutually exclusive. handlerid is the ID of the event handler that contains the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Specify either a command to execute using the -cmd option, or a set of commands to execute using the -script option. If a load file was specified using the -deffile command line option, a set of in-line script statements may be specified using the 'stmt' keyword within a 'begin_script'/'end_script' block.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3659I Connecting to local broker on port port.


Indicates that the Universal Event Monitor Load utility is trying to connect to a local Universal Broker on port port.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

None required.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3660E Unable to connect to local ubroker on port port: reason


The Universal Event Monitor Load utility was unable to establish a connection to Universal Broker, which is needed to request the start of the Universal Event Monitor component. port is the port number that the UEM Load utility expects Universal Broker to be using to accept incoming connections. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure Universal Broker is running on the local system. If the Broker is not accepting incoming connections on the installation default of 7887, then supply the -port option from the uemload command line.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3661E Error starting UEMLoad: func, errno, reason


The Universal Event Monitor Load utility was unable to send a request to Universal Broker to start the UEM Server component. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure Universal Broker is running on the local system. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3662I Universal Event Monitor Load shutdown initiated due to user interrupt.


The UEMLoad utility is terminating due to a cancel request issued by a user.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

None required.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3663E Error building the type parm block for id: func, errno, reason


An attempt to construct a buffer containing all the parameters required for the definition record identified by type failed. id is the identifier of the event definition or event handler that was being processed at the time of the failure. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Examine the error messages to see if an environmental condition may have contributed to the error. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3664E Error sending definitions to UEM Server: func, errno, reason


The Universal Event Monitor Load utility was unable to send the specified event definitions and event handlers to the Universal Event Monitor Server. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Check the Universal Broker message log for any errors reported by the Universal Event Monitor Server that was started to process the updates. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3665E The maintenance request was rejected by the UEM Server: reason


A request from the Universal Event Monitor Load utility to update the event definition and/or event handler databases was disallowed by the UEM Server. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Check the Maintenance Access Control List defined for the UEM Server to verify that the user account with which the UEM Load utility was run has not been denied the ability to update the UEM databases. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3666I Load request started at time.


Indicates that at time, the UEM Server began performing the requested maintenance on the UEM databases.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

None required.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3667I Universal Event Monitor Load is ending successfully with exit code exitcode.


The Universal Event Monitor Load utility successfully executed the command request.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

No action required.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3668W errormsg


This message is used to display any errors reported by the UEM Server during the processing of a database maintenance request made by UEMLoad. errormsg is a message formatted by the UEM Server and forwarded to the UEM Load utility.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

Retry the requested operation, correcting any error condition reported by the UEM Server.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3669E An error occurred while waiting for the UEM Server process to complete: func, errno, reason


After the client application (either the UEMLoad utility or the UEM Manager) sends a request to a UEM Server, it waits for operational messages from that Server. One message both client applications expect to receive from the Server is notification that the request has been processed and that the UEM Server process itself has ended. Any error messages generated as a result of the Server trying to process the request from the UEMLoad utility may also be sent.

This error message indicates that a problem was encountered while the client was waiting on these messages from the UEM Server. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Check the Universal Broker message log for any errors reported by the Universal Event Monitor Server. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3670E Only one action may be specified.


More than one action was specified from the UEMLoad command line. Valid actions are 'add', 'update', 'delete', 'list' and 'export'.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Specify a single action and rerun the UEM Load utility.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3671E Open failed for load file 'file': reason


The specified load file could not be opened. file is the name of the load file. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure the specified load file exists and that the user account running the program has read access to the directory where the file resides. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3672E An ID is missing from one or more event definition and/or event handler records.


When adding, updating or deleting definition records, you must specify either the -event_id and/or -handler_id parameter to identify the type(s) of records to process.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Retry the command, providing one or more of the following parameters -- along with the values for each -- as desired: -event_id and/or -handler_id.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3673I Universal Event Monitor Load is ending with exit code exitcode.


The Universal Event Monitor Load utility executed the command request.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

The fact that the message is not reporting a successful or unsuccessful completion means that a warning might have been issued at some point. The UEM Load utility was able to handle the condition that generated the warning, but you should review the request to verify that the actual result was the one intended.

No action required.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3674W Parameters not supported as filter criteria were detected and will be ignored.


Event definition records may only be selected using the following parameters:

- Event ID

- Component Name

- Handler ID

This message is displayed when one or more event definition and/or event handler parameters not part of the list above were specified. These additional parameters are ignored and will not be added to the criteria used to select event definition and/or event handler records.



System Action

The -list or -export command continues. The unsupported parameters are ignored.

User Action

None required. If desired, resubmit the request, omitting the extra parameters.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3675E The specified load file, deffile, is empty. No records were action.


The load file identified by deffile contained no event or event handler definitions, so there was nothing to do for specified action. action will be either 'added', 'updated', or 'deleted'.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Verify that the specified load file is, in fact, empty. Add event and/or event handler definitions to it, using the syntax documented in the UEM Reference Guide. Resubmit the request.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3676W Error retrieving database record: (errno): reason


An attempt to read a record from the event definition or event handler database has failed. The error was actually captured by the Universal Broker during the database operation and returned to UEM Load via the UEM Server. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

If other database records were successfully read, they will be returned to the UEM Load utility. Otherwise, the program will terminate.

User Action

If possible, correct the condition that caused the error. If it appears the database is corrupted, try the following:

- Use the UEM Load utility to export as many records as possible. Be sure to make note of where the definition load file is saved, it will be needed below.

- Stop the Universal Broker.

- Delete the underlying event handler database files as needed. The file used to store event definition records is ueme.db. The file used to store event handler records is uemh.db.

- Restart the Universal Broker.

- Use the UEM Load utility to restore the records, using the load file created when the records were exported. Note that any records that could not be exported will need to be re-added.

If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3677E Error expanding the encrypted user file path name: func, errno, reason


A relative path to a Universal Encrypt'd file could not be expanded to an absolute path. The complete path to the file must be stored in the event handler record, so UEM can successfully decrypt the file prior to starting the event handler process. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Correct the path to the encrypted file and resubmit the request.

If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3678I Reading input from stdin. Enter seq to cancel wait...


The UEM Load utility attempts to read load information from stdin in the following situations:

- An -add, -update, and -delete operation is requested.

- The -deffile parameter was not specified.

- No meaningful event definition and/or event handler information was specified via command line parameters.

- stdin is not being redirected from a file.

The UEM Load utility reads from stdin until it encounters an end-of-file (EOF) sequence. In the situation described above, the user is responsible for supplying an EOF indicator, which is a platform-specific sequence of characters identified by seq.

Windows: If stdin is redirected from the null device (NUL), this message will be displayed, but it is not necessary to supply the EOF sequence. When the UEM Load utility begins reading stdin in this situation, the EOF sequence is the first thing read.



System Action

Program execution resumes once the EOF sequence is read.

User Action

Enter the EOF sequence specified in the message.

Windows: If stdin is redirected from the null device (NUL), it is not necessary to supply the EOF sequence. Although the message is displayed the UEM Load utility immediately detects the EOF sequence, and program execution resumes. This is platform-dependent behavior, as Windows recognizes the null device as an interactive console device.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3680E The "cmd" parameter is invalid for a "udm" event handler: handlerid


An event handler definition with a type of "udm" was given a command to execute. "udm" event handlers can only execute scripts, which are stored in the event handler record. handlerid is the ID of the event handler record that contains the invalid parameter.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Remove the "cmd" parameter from the event handler definition and replace it with a script. The script can be added to the event handler using the "script" keyword, along with the name of a local file that contains the script statements, or the begin_/end_script block in a definition load file.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3681E No handler type was specified for handlerid.


The handler_type parameter was missing from the event handler definition, and the UEM Load utility was unable to set a default value. handlerid is the ID of the event handler record with the unknown handler type.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Specify a handler type for the event handler definition and resubmit the request. A list of valid event handler types, along with a description of each, may be found in the Universal Event Monitor product documentation.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3682E Error establishing local broker session: func, errno, reason


An error occurred establishing a communication session with the local broker. The function that failed is identified by field 'func'. Field p>errno is the error number, and field reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support if unable to identify and resolve the problem.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3683E Error initializing local Broker interface: func, errno, reason


An error occurred initializing the interface to the local Universal <->

Broker. The manager communicates with the local Broker to register with it and to obtain its configuration data. The UEM Load utility communicates with the local Broker to obtain any encryption keys that might be stored in the Broker-managed keystore. The function func failed with an error code of errno, which is described by reason.



System Action

The process terminates.

User Action

Check that a local Broker is running on the same system as the manager. If a Broker is not running, one must be started prior to starting <->

the manager. Contact Stonebranch Customer Support is assistance <->

is needed.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3684E Error recording process exit code: func, errno, reason


An error occurred recording the manager process exit code for local Broker monitoring. The function func failed with an error code of <->

errno, which is described by reason.



System Action

The manager terminates. The local Broker shall detect that the manager ended, but it will not know the manager exit conditions.

User Action

On UNIX, the process lock file (PLF) used by the manager may have been corrupted or removed. Although the condition cannot be recovered, the cause of the problem should be determined to prevent it from reoccurring. Contact Stonebranch Customer Support is assistance is needed.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3685E Error registering with local Broker: func, errno, reason


An error occurred registering with the local Universal Broker. The registration process is required for the manager to obtain its configuration data from the local Broker. The function func failed with an error code of errno, which is described by reason.



System Action

The manager terminates.

User Action

Check that a local Broker is running on the same system as the manager. If a Broker is not running, one must be started prior to starting the manager. Contact Stonebranch Customer Support is assistance is needed.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3686E The keep-alive interval value is invalid. Please enter a value between min and max.


The value used to identify how often UEM Server will send a keep-alive message to UEM Manager to verify the network connection is not valid. min is the minimum acceptable value. max is the maximum acceptable value.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Set the keep-alive interval in UEM Server's configuration to value within the range specified (inclusive).


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3687E Error creating keyType key pairs: func, errno, reason


An error occurred creating UEM Server's keyType private and public key pair. The function that encountered the error was func. The error is described by the error number errno and error reason reason.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Correct the condition that caused the error. If the condition cannot be determined, contact Stonebranch Customer Support.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3688E Error creating certificate: func, errno, reason


An error occurred creating UEM Server's X.509 certificate. The function that encountered the error was func. The error is described by the error number errno and error reason reason.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Correct the condition that caused the error. If the condition cannot be determined, contact Stonebranch Customer Support.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3689E Error verifying certificate: func, errno, reason


An error occurred verifying UEM Server's X.509 certificate. The function that encountered the error was func. The error is described by the error number errno and error reason reason.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Correct the condition that caused the error. If the condition cannot be determined, contact Stonebranch Customer Support.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3690I stdfile: Protocol=protocol, Kx=keyex, Au=auth, Enc=enc, Mac=mac


Displays network protocol properties for a standard file. stdfile is the name of the standard file, either "stdin", "stdout", or "stderr". The protocol name is indicated by protocol. Possible values are UNVv2 for the Universal version 2 protocol, SSLv3 for SSL version 3 protocol, or TLSv1/SSL for TLS version 1 of the SSL protocol. The value keyex specifies the key exchange method, value auth specifies the peer authentication method used, enc specifies the data encryption method used, and mac specifies the data authentication method used.



System Action


User Action

None required.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3691I stdfile: Port=port, Compression=cmpr, NFT=nft, Mode=mode


Displays session properties for a standard file redirection. stdfile is the name of the standard file, either "stdin", "stdout", or "stderr". The value port specifies the TCP/IP port number assigned to this connection. The value cmpr specifies the compression method, value nft specifies whether or not the session is using the Network Fault Tolerant protocol, value mode specifies the data translation mode.



System Action


User Action

None required.


Universal Event Monitor


UNV3692E Minimum SSL protocol cannot be higher than the maximum.


The user has set the minimum SSL protocol to a value that is higher than the maximum SSL protocol. This is not a valid configuration; the minimum must be lower or equal to the maximum.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure the minimum SSL protocol is lower or equal to the maximum.


Universal Event Monitor

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