


UNV0100E Invalid command line argument syntax.


One of the following occurred:

- The parameter name was not preceded by a command line option prefix character ('-' or '/').

- A command line option prefix was specified, but the parameter name was either missing or separated from the prefix character by one or more spaces.

- The parameter name exceeded 61 characters.

- The parameter value exceeded 2000 characters.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the User's Guide for correct command line syntax.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0101E Unknown command line option: 'opt'


The program does not recognize the command line option. opt is the option specified.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Run the program using the -help option to display a list of available options. See the User's Guide if more information is needed.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0102E Error in command line option '-opt': reason


For the specified option, either the syntax was incorrect or an invalid value was used. opt is the name of the option. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the User's Guide for the correct usage of the specified option.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0103E Error in environment variable 'var': reason.


For the specified environment variable, either the syntax was incorrect or the value assigned to it was invalid. var is the name of the environment variable. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the User's Guide for the correct usage of the specified environment variable.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0104E I/O error on configuration file filename: func errno reason


An attempt to read the specified configuration file failed. filename is the name of the configuration file. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0105E cfgfile (lineno): Invalid keyword 'keyword'


A keyword in the specified configuration file was not valid, due to one of the following:

- The length of the keyword exceeded 61 characters.

- The program did not recognize the keyword.

cfgfile is the name of the configuration file that contains the invalid keyword. lineno is the line number of the configuration file where the invalid keyword is located. keyword is the invalid keyword.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the User's Guide for the correct names of available configuration options. If the configuration option is not supported by the version of the software currently installed, either upgrade the software or comment out the entry in the configuration file.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0106E cfgfile (lineno): Invalid value for keyword 'keyword' reason


The value given for the specified keyword is not valid. cfgfile is the name of the configuration file that contains the invalid value. lineno is the line number of the configuration file where the invalid value is specified. keyword is the name of the keyword whose value is invalid. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the User's Guide for an explanation of the configuration options, and for examples of valid option values. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0107E Error processing command line option 'opt': func, errno, reason.


An attempt to obtain or verify the value of a configuration option specified on the command line failed. opt is the name of the command line option. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the User's Guide or command line help to verify that all command line options were specified correctly. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0108E Error processing environment variable 'var': func, errno, reason.


An attempt to obtain or verify the value of a configuration option specified as an environment variable failed. var is the name of the environment variable. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the User's Guide or command line help to verify that any environment variables are correctly defined. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0109E cfgfile (lineno): Error processing keyword 'keyword': func, errno, reason.


An attempt to obtain or verify the value of a configuration option specified in a configuration file failed. cfgfile is the name of the configuration file. lineno is the line number of the configuration file on which the error occurred. keyword is the name of the keyword. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the User's Guide or command line help to verify that the configuration option is correctly defined. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0110E Error merging configuration parameter idx, rc = errno


An attempt to resolve a configuration option into a single value from values specified from the command line, a configuration file, and/or environment variables failed. idx is an index into an internal parameter table. errno is the error number.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0111I Use -help option for command line help.


This message is an instructional message displayed when the program is unable to obtain configuration options from the command line.



System Action


User Action

If desired, run the program again using only the -help command line option. This will display configuration options that can be specified from the command line, along with a short description of each.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0112E Open failed for configuration file 'cfgfile': errno, reason


The specified configuration file could not be opened. cfgfile is the name of the configuration file. errno is the error number and reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure the user account running the program has read access to the directory where the configuration file resides. If the file does not exist, re-install the program. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0113E Open failed for registry key key: func, errno, reason


An attempt to open the specified registry key in order to obtain program configuration options failed. key is the name of the registry key that could not be opened. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Use the registry editor (regedit.exe) to make sure the specified registry key exists. If it does not exist, repair the installation from the Control Panel via the Add/Remove Programs applet. Select the program from the list of installed software. When the installation starts, select the "Repair" option. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0114E Error in registry keyword 'keyword': reason


The value for a configuration option could not be obtained from the specified registry key. This is due to one of the following:

- The value is not stored as a string the registry.

- A bad value was specified for the configuration option.

- Incorrect syntax was used for the configuration value.

keyword is the name of the registry entry. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Use the Universal Configuration Manager (accessible via the Control Panel) to update configuration options stored in the registry. Universal Configuration Manager should report any invalid values before updating the registry. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0115E Error processing registry keyword 'keyword': func, errno, reason.


An attempt to obtain or verify the value of a configuration option specified in the registry failed. keyword is the name of the registry entry. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Try to repair the installation from the Control Panel using the Add/Remove Programs applet. Select the program from the list of installed software. When the installation program starts, select the "Repair" option. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0116E Error reading keyword keyword: func, errno, reason


An attempt to obtain the value for a configuration option specified in the registry failed. keyword is the name of the registry entry that could not be read. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0117E cmdfile (lineno): Invalid option 'opt'


A configuration option contained in the specified command file is not valid, due to one of the following reasons:

- The length of the option name exceeded 61 characters.

- The program did not recognize the configuration option.

cmdfile is the name of the command file that contains the invalid option. lineno is the line number of the command file where the invalid option is located. opt is the name of the invalid option.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the User's Guide for the correct names of available configuration options. If the configuration option is not supported by the version of the software currently installed, either upgrade the software or comment out the entry in the configuration file.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0118E cmdfile (lineno): Invalid value for option 'opt': reason.


The value of a configuration option contained in the specified command file is not valid. cmdfile is the name of the command file. lineno is the line number of the command file where the option with the invalid value is located. opt is the name of the option with the invalid value. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the User's Guide for an explanation of the configuration options, and for examples of valid option values. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0119E cfgfile (lineno): Value of keyword 'keyword' exceeded max length.


The value of a configuration option exceeded the maximum length of 2000 characters. cfgfile is the name of the configuration file with the invalid value. lineno is the line number of the configuration file where the invalid value is located. keyword is the name of the configuration option with the invalid value.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Correct the value and restart the program.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0120E cmdfile (lineno): Value of option 'opt' exceeded max length.


The value of a configuration option exceeded the maximum length of 2000 characters. cmdfile is the name of the command file with the invalid value. lineno is the line number of the command file where the invalid value is located. opt is the name of the configuration option with the invalid value.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Correct the value and restart the program.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0121E cmdfile (lineno): Error processing option 'opt': func, errno, reason.


An attempt to obtain or verify the value of a configuration option specified in a command file failed. cmdfile is the name of the command file. lineno is the line number of the command file on which the error occurred. opt is the name of the configuration option. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the User's Guide or command line help to verify that the configuration option is correctly defined. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0122E I/O error on command file cmdfile: func errno reason


An attempt to read from the specified command file failed. cmdfile is the name of the command file. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure the file still exists and the user account running the program has read access to the directory where the file is located. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0123E cmdfile (lineno): Missing command option prefix character.


The program expected to find the start of a configuration option name, but the prefix character ('-' or '/') was missing. cmdfile is the name of the command file that contains the error. lineno is the line number of the command file where the error was detected.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the User's Guide for the correct syntax of configuration options that are specified in a command file.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0124E I/O error on command file cmdfile: func errno reason


An attempt to read from the specified command file failed. cmdfile is the name of the command file. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure the file still exists and the user account running the program has read access to the directory where the file is located. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0125E Open failed for command file cmdfile: reason


An attempt to open the specified command file in order to obtain configuration options failed. cmdfile is the name of the command file. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure the file still exists and the user account running the program has read access to the directory where the file is located. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0126E License parameters do no match license key.


To validate a license key, the program takes the license information contained in a configuration file (or the Windows registry) and generates a license key. This message is displayed if the generated key does not match the license key saved in the configuration file.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Check all license information saved in the program's configuration file and compare it to the license information you received with your initial software package. Make sure everything matches. Refer to the User's Guide for information on entering license information in the configuration file.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0127E License is for product licprod, not prod.


The license information saved in the program's configuration file does result in a valid license key; however, the key is for the wrong product. licprod is the name of the product specified in the license information. prod is the name of the product whose license information the program requires.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Update the license information in the program's configuration file to match the license information you received with the initial software package.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0128E License is for operating system type licos, not os.


The license information saved in the program's configuration file does result in a valid license key; however, the key is for the wrong operating system. licos is the name of the operating system specified in the license information. os is the name of the operating system on which the program is currently installed.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Update the license information in the program's configuration file to match the license information you received with the initial software package.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0129E License is expired. Contact Stonebranch, Inc. for license renewal.


The expiration date for the product license has passed.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch sales support for a new product license.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0130E Product license expires in num day(s). Contact Stonebranch, Inc. for license renewal.


The current product license will expire soon. num is the number of days left before the license expires.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

The software can be used up to the day the license expires. However, to make sure there is no interruption in software usage, please contact Stonebranch sales support as soon as possible for an updated license.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0131E Error validating license: func, errno, reason


An attempt to validate the software's license key failed. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0132E Product demonstration license expires in num day(s).


The current software, which was licensed for a trial period only, will expire in the number of days specified by num.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

The software can be used up to the day the license expires. To continue using the software after the trial period, a license must be purchased. Contact Stonebranch sales support for more information.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0133E License key is missing.


The program could not find a value for the license key in the configuration file.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Set the value for the license_key entry in the program's configuration file to the one specified in the license information included with the initial software package.

Windows NT/2000 users: Enter the license key using the Universal Configuration Manager applet, accessible via the Control Panel.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0134E Encrypted command file error: record exceeds maximum length of maxlen.


The current command file record is too large to be read into the allocated buffer. maxlen is the size of the buffer used to store records.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0135E Encrypted command file error: error reading file fname: errno, reason


An attempt to read a record from the encrypted command file failed. fname is the name of the encrypted command file. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure the file still exists and the user account running the program has read access to the file. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0136E Encrypted command file error: record is improperly formatted.


The program could not find the information in the encrypted command file it requires to decrypt the file.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0137E Encrypted command file error: checksum mismatch.


The encrypted data has been modified since it was originally encrypted.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Recreate the encrypted command file.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0138E Encrypted command file error: func, errno, reason


An attempt to read or process data contained in the encrypted command file failed. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0139W Error obtaining version information in func (errno): reason


An attempt to obtain the program's version information failed. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program will be unable to return version information when it is requested from the command line. In all other aspects, the program should function as usual.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0140E Error processing meta-data statement in command file cmdfile: func, errno, reason


An error processing a meta-data statement in a command file occurred. A meta-data statement specifies how the data within the file is interpreted. An example of a meta-data statement is the logical end-of-file statement, <eof>.

cmdfile is the name of the command file. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Review the command file for the invalid meta-data statement. Restart the command after the statement is corrected.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0141E Unexpected meta-data statement found in command file cmdfile, datatype.


An unexpected meta-data statement was found in a command file. A meta-data statement specifies how the data within the file is interpreted. An example of a meta-data statement is the logical end-of-file statement, <eof>.

cmdfile is the name of the command file. datatype is the internal numeric value of the meta-data statement found.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0142E Command file decryption failed due to key mismatch.


The command file could not be properly decrypted because the key used to encrypt the file is not the same that was used to decrypt the file.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Decrypt the command file with the correct key.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0143E Error in event management system: func, subfunc, errno, reason.


An error occurred in the event management system. The function encountering the error was func. The sub-function in which the error occurred is subfunc The error number is errno and the error description is reason.



System Action

Program action depends on the context in which the error occurred. Refer to additional messages for the system action taken.

User Action

User action depends on the context in which the error occurred. Refer to additional messages for the recommended user action taken.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0144E Error posting termination event: func, errno reason.


An error occurred posting the process termination event. The function encountering the error was func. The error number is errno and the error description is reason.



System Action

The event management system will terminate since it cannot post the application termination event. Once the event management system terminates, the application most likely will terminate without properly shutting down.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0145E SSL handshake error: rc=returnCode, locus=locus, type=errorType, ec=errorCode, msg='errorMsg'


An error occurred performing a SSL handshake. The error could be caused by a number reasons. This message provides available information to help diagnose the error. The information provided consists of the return code, returnCode, the attribute locus, locus, the error type, errorType, the error code, errorCode, and the error message, errorMsg.



System Action

Refer to the system action of the messages issued after this message.

User Action

Refer to the user action of the messages issued after this message.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0150E Event Id: id not found.


An event object with the specified identifier id could not be found in the event object list.



System Action

The program's behavior may become unpredictable.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0151D stackid-stackentry : error


Prints OpenSSL diagnostic information for problem resolution. This message may be issued one or more times printing the OpenSSL internal error stack. The stack messages are identified by stackid. The error, error, may contain many different things and is used by Stonebranch Technical Support for problem diagnoses.



System Action

Determined by other error messages.

User Action

Save the messages for Stonebranch Customer Support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0152D stackid-stackentry time, srcfile, srcline, func, errno, 'reason', 'auxdata'


Stonebranch diagnostic information for problem resolution. This message may be issued one or more times printing the internal error stack. The stack messages are identified by stackid. The definition of the error fields are as follows: time is the time the error was recorded, srcfile is the source file that reported the error, srcline is the line number within the source file, func is the name of the function encountering the error, errno is the error number, reason is the description of the errno, and auxdata is any auxiliary data recorded with the error.



System Action

Determined by other error messages.

User Action

Save the messages for Stonebranch Customer Support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0153E Certificate verification failed: depth=depth, code=code, error='reason'.


Certificate verification is performed on a chain of certificates. The verification process failed. The chain of certificates is numbered from the peer certificate at depth 0 to the root CA certificate at the highest depth. The depth of the certificate that failed is depth. The reason it failed is described in field reason. The diagnostic code is specified in the code field. Additional certificate information follows in messages UNV0154E, UNV0155E and UNV0178E.



System Action

The SSL connection will be terminated.

User Action

This could indicate unauthorized access to the system or an incorrectly setup certificate chain.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0154E Certificate issuer name: 'issuerName'


Certificate verification failed as described in the previously issued message UNV0153. The issuerName field of the certificate is specified in issuerName.



System Action

Refer to message UNV0153.

User Action

Refer to message UNV0153.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0155E Certificate subject name: 'subjectName'


Certificate verification failed as described in the previously issued message UNV0153. The subjectName field of the certificate is specified in subjectName.



System Action

Refer to message UNV0153.

User Action

Refer to message UNV0153.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0156E OpenSSL thread call back failed: func, tid, file, line.


An OpenSSL thread call back function failed. The function name is func. The internal OpenSSL thread identifier is tid, the source file name is file, and the line number is line.



System Action

The program terminates with an abort call.

User Action

Report the problem to Stonebranch Customer Support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0171E SSL error in module: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred in an SSL module. The message provides the module in which the error occurred, module, the function that encountered the error, func, the error number returned by the function, errno, and a textual description of the error number, reason.



System Action

The action taken is dependent on the context in which the error occurred. Most often it will result in program termination.

User Action

Review other error message related to this error. If there is not sufficient information provided to resolve the cause, contact Stonebranch Customer Support for assistance.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0172I Printing trace table.


The memory trace table is being printed to the trace file.



System Action

Trace is formatted and printed.

User Action

No action required.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0174E Process aborting: file, lineno, reason.


A fatal error condition that cannot be recovered from occurred in file file on line number lineno. The reason provided for the abort request is reason.



System Action

The program terminates immediately.

User Action

Report the problem to Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0175E User authentication failed: type, user, func, errno, reason.


User authentication was not successful. The message fields identify the authentication type type, the user account being authenticated user, the function that detected the failure func, the error number errno, and the reason for the failure reason.



System Action

The action depends on the program requesting authentication. If successful authentication is required to continue, the program will shutdown.

User Action

Contact the security administrator to correct the reason the user account failed authentication and rerun the command.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0176E The dump request failed in function CEE3DMP: msgno.


At the request of a console dump request, an LE dump was initiated. The CEE3DMP function failed to produce the dump. The LE message number is specified by msgno.



System Action

Processing continues.

User Action

CEE3DMP message numbers are documented in the IBM LE Programming Reference.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0177E The console MODIFY command specified an unknown option: opt


A console MODIFY command was received that specified an unknown option. The value received is specified by opt.



System Action

Processing continues.

User Action

Correct the option and reissue the command.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0178E Certificate serial number: 'serialNo'


Certificate verification failed as described in the previously issued message UNV0153E. The serialNo field of the certificate is specified in serialNo.



System Action

Refer to message UNV0153E.

User Action

Refer to message UNV0153E.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0179E Error opening configuration file 'cfgfile': func, errno, reason.


The program could not open the file cfgfile, which contains the Universal Product client application's configuration settings. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Configuration files for a Universal Product client application (e.g., Universal Command Manager, Universal Query, etc.) must reside in one of the directories listed below.

On a Unix-based system (e.g., Solaris, AIX, Linux), the file must reside in one of the following directories (listed by search order):

- /etc/opt/universal

- /etc/universal

- /etc/stonebranch

- /etc

- /usr/etc/universal

- /usr/etc/stonebranch

- /usr/etc

On a Windows system, the configuration file must reside in the .\Universal\conf directory, which is located under the system-defined common application data directory. On Windows 200x- and XP-based systems, this is typically the "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data" directory.

If the file specified by cfgfile is not present in one of these directories, or the directories specified above do not exists, re-run the installation script to create a configuration file or directory. If the file is present in one of the locations listed above, or the reason reported by the error message indicates something other than a missing file, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0180E Error parsing configuration data srcname: func errno reason


An attempt to parse the specified configuration source failed. srcname is the source of the configuration data. A value of MANAGED-MODE indicates a managed mode configuration. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Correct the configuration file syntax if the configuration is not in managed mode. If assistance is required, contact Stonebranch Customer Support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0181E srcname: Invalid keyword 'keyword'


A keyword in the specified configuration source was not valid. Possible reasons include the following:

- The length of the keyword exceeded 61 characters.

- The program did not recognize the keyword.

srcname is the source of the configuration data that contains the invalid keyword. A value of MANAGED-MODE indicates a managed mode configuration. keyword is the invalid keyword.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the User's Guide for the correct names of available configuration options. If the configuration option is not supported by the version of the software currently installed, either upgrade the software or comment out the entry in the configuration file.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0182E srcname: Invalid value for keyword 'keyword': reason


The value given for the specified keyword is not valid. srcname is the source of the configuration data that contains the invalid value. A value of MANAGED-MODE indicates a managed mode configuration. keyword is the name of the keyword whose value is invalid. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the User's Guide for an explanation of the configuration options, and for examples of valid option values. If assistance is required, contact Stonebranch Customer Support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0183E srcname: Error processing keyword 'keyword': func, errno, reason.


An attempt to obtain or verify the value of a configuration option specified in a configuration failed. srcname is the source of the configuration data. A value of MANAGED-MODE indicates a managed mode configuration. keyword is the name of the keyword. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the User's Guide or command line help to verify that the configuration option is correctly defined. If assistance is required, contact Stonebranch Customer Support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0184E The local Universal Broker interface was not found. Ensure a local Universal Broker is running.


An attempt was made to locate the local Universal Broker interface. No Broker Interface File (BIF) or shared memory segment could be located or security permissions prevented read access.



System Action

The system action depends on the context in which the error occurred.

User Action

Check that a local Universal Broker is running. Rerun the command once the Broker is started.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0185E Bad IP address: ipaddr, reason


The resolution of the specified IP address failed. The IP address being converted is ipaddr. The reason resolution failed is specified by reason.



System Action

The application may retry the resolution, depending on whether a configuration option exists and is defined to do so. Once all retry attempts have been exhausted, the application will terminate.

User Action

Make sure the IP address specifies a correct host name or a properly formatted numeric dotted IP address. Set the configuration option, if available, to a value that instructs the application to retry failed host name resolutions. Correct the host entry and/or change the value of the host name retry option, and try the command again. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0186E Bad port number: port, reason


The resolution of the specified port number failed. The port number being converted is port. The reason resolution failed is specified by reason.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure the port number is a valid numeric port number or service name.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0187I Starting IP address resolution attempt current of max.


Another attempt is being made to resolve one or more of the hosts specified in the host list (note that the list may only consist of a single

host). This is attempt number current of the maximum number of attempts max.



System Action

Processing continues.

User Action

No action is required.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0188E Error processing the host list: func, errno, reason


One or more of the hosts in the specified list could not be processed. This message may be issued even if the host list consists of just a single host. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

If the error message indicates that a host name could not be resolved, or that the host was not found, correct the host entry and try again. If problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0189E Error randomly selecting an IP address for hostname: func, errno, reason


An attempt to randomly select an IP address a list of one or more hosts has failed. hostname is the name of the host being processed. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.


Error, Informational

System Action

For informational messages, the program will select a host. The selection may not be all that random, but it will allow the program to continue.

For error messages, the program terminates.

User Action

If the application provides a configuration option that causes hosts to be selected sequentially, set that option and rerun the application. If the cause of the message cannot be determined, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages




The message indicates the completion of a Universal Products manager that a local Universal Broker is monitoring. The value cid is the component identifier of the manager and cc is the manager's completion code.



System Action

Process continues.

User Action

No action required.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0191I Processing console command 'cmd'.


A console MODIFY command cmd has been received and is being processing.



System Action

Processing continues.

User Action

No action required.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0192W A cipher that is scheduled for deprecation in a future release was selected: 'session', 'cipher'.


This message is issued from the initiator of the session negotiation.



System Action

Processing continues.

User Action

Review configured cipher suites and adjust accordingly.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0193W A cipher that is scheduled for deprecation in a future release was selected: 'session', 'cipher'.


This message is issued from the remote side of a session negotiation.



System Action

Processing continues.

User Action

Review configured cipher suites and adjust accordingly.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0195E Error retrieving default encryption key in func (errno): reason


An attempt to retrieve a default encryption key from a Universal Broker-managed keystore has failed. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program that requested the default key terminates.

User Action

Review the error information and retry the command after correcting the reported problem. If the problem persists or cannot be resolved, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0196E Error storing default encryption key in func (errno): reason


An attempt to save a default encryption key to a Universal Broker-managed keystore has failed. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program that tried to store the key terminates.

User Action

Review the error information and retry the command after correcting the reported problem. If the problem persists or cannot be resolved, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0197E prodname is not allowed. Universal Controller did not grant a license to it.


The Universal Controller is responsible for providing a license for the component specified by prodname. Either this component is not licensed by Universal Controller or all agent licenses have been consumed.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Check the Universal Controller's license parameters to ensure that it contains the parameters necessary to execute the component. If the number of licensed distributed (or zOS) agents are all in use, additional agents must be added to the license. Contact Stonebranch support to obtain an updated license.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0198E prodname execution is not allowed. No valid local license information was found.


This Universal Agent still obtains license information from local

configuration files. Although storing license information locally is deprecated, it is still supported in some instances. For those situations in which a license is not obtained from Universal Controller, the Agent still expects valid license information to exist in the configuration file of the component specified by prodname.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Update your installation to obtain license information from a Universal Controller to simplify license administration (note that an agent-only) license may be obtained from Stonebranch that does not require you to purchase a license for scheduler functionality. If you wish to continue using locally-configured licenses, contact Stonebranch customer support to obtain a new license.


Cross-Platform Messages


UNV0199E Unable to validate prodname license information. The license information is not available.


The Universal Broker is responsible for collecting and verifying all license information and for resolving its source. Although schedulded for deprecation, there are some situations in which the Universal Agent will still use locally-configured license information. Universal Agent and later expect to receive its license information from a Universal Controller instance.

Until the Broker knows which license information to use, the license is considered to be unavailable. The most likely cause of this is a situation in which the Broker knows a UAG Server will connect to a Universal Controller, but UAG does not receive a response to its HELLO messsage. A lack of response could mean OMS Server connection information is configured incorrectly or no more agent licenses are available.

prodname is the name of the component whose execution is not permitted due to unavailable license information.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

- Make sure the Agent attempting to connect to Universal Controller will has not caused the the number of licensed agents to be exceeded.

- Make sure an OMS Server is active and responding to Agent connection requests.

- Make sure the OMS Server connection information specified in the Agent configuration points is correct.


Cross-Platform Messages

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