


UNV4500W ACK window abbreviated due to memory constraint.


Warning message indicating that a file transfer ACK window was sent before filling due to memory constraints. This will not effect the integrity of the file transfer. However, further memory constraints may lead to an unrecoverable error condition. Normal ACK window processing will continue to be attempted.



System Action

The system will attempt to continue with normal processing.

User Action

None required.


Universal Data Mover


UNV4501E Attempt to create unencrypted data session denied: ipaddr, port, userid, workid


The UDM server is configured to require ssl for data sessions. An attempt to establish a data session without ssl encryption (and with UNVv2 legacy protocol) was attempted and denied by the UDM server. The attempt was from a UDM manager at IP address ipaddr and TCP port number port. The UCMD manager was executing with a user identifier of userid and work identifier of workid.



System Action

The UDM server rejects the work request form the manager and terminates the session.

User Action

Refer to the UBroker REQUIRE_SSL configuration option to specify if an ssl data session is required or UNVv2 legacy protocol is allowed.


Universal Data Mover


UNV4502E UDM Server license validation failed: reason


UDM Server is not authorized to execute due to unavailable or invalid license information. reason explains the validation error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Starting with UA, UDM Server execution will be controlled by any 6.9.0 license or later license information a Universal Agent receives from Universal Controller. If the Agent was unable to obtain a license from a Universal Controller (or is waiting for acquire one), this message will be issued. If the Agent is not configured to connect to a Universal Controller, pre- licensing schemes are used.

- If the error reason indicates that no license was granted, update the number of distributed (or zOS) agents included in your Controller license. - If the error reason indicates that the license is not available, check your UAG Server connection configuration to make sure it is correct and pointing to an active OMS server.


Universal Data Mover


UNV4503E Minimum SSL protocol cannot be higher than the maximum.


The user has set the minimum SSL protocol to a value that is higher than the maximum SSL protocol. This is not a valid configuration; the minimum must be lower or equal to the maximum.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure the minimum SSL protocol is lower or equal to the maximum.


Universal Data Mover

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