


UNV5300E Error initializing Configuration Manager subsystem: func, errno, reason


An error occurred when initializing the Configuration Manager subsystem. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Take corrective action based on the error information provided in this and any previous messages potentially printed. Contact Stonebranch Customer support for assistance if needed.


Universal Broker


UNV5301E Broker databases were not properly closed. Database validation required.


The Universal Broker databases were not properly closed. This may have been due to the Broker not being shutdown properly or the operating system halting abnormally. A database validation is strongly recommended.



System Action

The Broker will validate all databases as part of the initialization phase.

User Action

Determine the reason the Broker was not properly shutdown. The Broker should be shutdown properly for it to close all databases and maintain data integrity.


Universal Broker


UNV5302I Broker databases validation has started. Do not shutdown the Broker until validation completes.


Universal Broker database validation has started. All Broker databases shall be validated. Once validation completes successfully, the Broker will begin providing services.



System Action

Broker database validation continues.

User Action

Do not interrupt the validation process, otherwise data integrity may be compromised.


Universal Broker


UNV5303I Broker databases validation has completed successfully.


Universal Broker database validation has completed successfully.



System Action

Broker initialization continues.

User Action

No action required.


Universal Broker


UNV5304E Broker databases validation has failed.


Universal Broker database validation failed to complete successfully. The integrity of the databases cannot be verified.



System Action

Broker terminates.

User Action

The Broker databases must be recovered or deleted. Refer to the Universal Broker database administration documentation for database recovery procedures.


Universal Broker


UNV5305E Error validating the cmpname database: func, errno, reason


An error occurred validating the database for component cmpname. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the user action of messages following this one. Most likely database recovery is required.


Universal Broker


UNV5306E The Universal Event Subsystem has stopped event read operations due to database I/O errors.


The Universal Event Subsystem encountered consecutive database I/O errors while reading event records from the UES database. Consequentially, it has halted event reading operations.



System Action

The Universal Event Subsystem stops reading event records. The Broker will not provide any events to Universal Enterprise Controllers querying the Broker for event records. The Broker will not perform any UES database cleanup functions as well.

User Action

The reason for the database errors should be resolved as soon as possible. The Broker should be stopped and the databases recovered or deleted. Refer to the Opswise Universal Agent Installation and Administration Guide for database recovery procedures. Contact Stonebranch Customer Support is assistance as needed.


Universal Broker


UNV5307E The database file system, loc, has run out of available disk space.


There is no available disk space for the Broker databases to grow. The Broker utilizes a number of databases in performing the services it provides. Without operational databases, the Broker cannot continue. The location of the databases is specified by loc.



System Action

The Broker shuts down.

User Action

Check the size of the Broker databases. When event recording is activated, the UES database will continue to grow until either Universal Enterprise Controller pulls the event records and requests for their deletion or the event records expire. If the database sizes are within norm, allocate additional disk space to the location in which the Broker maintains its databases. Once the space shortage is relieved, the Broker may be restarted.


Universal Broker


UNV5308W Decreased maximum number of components from cfgmax to newmax to meet FD_SETSIZE limits.


The maximum number of running components that Broker will manage was changed from cfgmax to newmax. The change was made so that the Broker would not reach file and socket descriptor limits imposed by the operating system FD_SETSIZE value. The operating system FD_SETSIZE limit is newmax plus 1.



System Action

The Broker continues processing with the new limit in effect.

User Action

If the Broker needs to manage the maximum number of components specified contact Stonebranch Customer Support. The FD_SETSIZE is set by the operating system when the product is built. It is not a run-time resource limit.


Universal Broker


UNV5309W Forcing end of job for manager component comp compid. Ending abnormally with exit code exitcode (hex).


The manager component identified by component name comp and component ID compid was being managed by a previously executing Broker. The Broker cannot manage components that were started by a previous execution of the Broker. The component is being forced through the Broker's end of job processing. The Broker does not know if the component stopped executing or not, so its exit conditions are unknown. The component exit conditions will be set to an abnormal exit status and exit code exitcode.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

If possible, avoid stopping the Broker when work is in progress. If the Broker must be stopped, stop the Broker in a controlled manner. Refer to Universal Broker Reference manual for the proper shutdown method for the platform.


Universal Broker


UNV5310W Forcing end of job for server component comp compid (pid). Ending abnormally with exit code exitcode (hex).


The server component identified by component name comp, component ID compid and process ID pid was being managed by a previously executing Broker. The Broker cannot manage components that were started by a previous execution of the Broker. The component is being forced through the Broker's end of job processing. The Broker does not know if the component stopped executing or not, so its exit conditions are unknown. The component exit conditions will be set to an abnormal exit status and exit code exitcode.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

If possible, avoid stopping the Broker when work is in progress. If the Broker must be stopped, stop the Broker in a controlled manner. Refer to Universal Broker Reference manual for the proper shutdown method for the platform.


Universal Broker


UNV5311W Access denied by Default entry UACL entry to user rmtuser at IP address rmtaddr.


The Universal Access Control List (UACL) entry entry denied access to the remote user rmtuser at IP address rmtaddr. Access was denied because the UACL entry entry, by default, denies all access unless explicit access rights are given to allow access.



System Action

The client request that was denied access to the resource is terminated.

User Action

Report the access denial to the party responsible for security setup of the Universal Broker.


Universal Broker


UNV5312I Broker database: type file system dsn mounted at mount.


The message provides information about the USS file system used for the Broker database. type identifies the type of file system, dsn is the data set name containing the file system, and mount is the mount point in the USS file system.



System Action

Processing continues.

User Action

No action necessary.


Universal Broker


UNV5313I Broker spool: type file system dsn mounted at mount.


The message provides information about the USS file system used for the Broker spool. type identifies the type of file system, dsn is the data set name containing the file system, and mount is the mount point in the USS file system.



System Action

Processing continues.

User Action

No action necessary.


Universal Broker


UNV5314E A system error occurred while attempting to start the Universal Broker. Check the AS/400 log file for previously listed messages.


Two Universal Brokers cannot execute and share common resources at the same time. To prevent two Brokers from running an exclusive lock is obtained on the Broker executable. A system error occurred while attempting to obtain this system lock.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Examine the Broker log for other messages that might indicate the cause of the problem. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV5315E A system error occurred while attempting to deallocate the Universal Broker executable. Check the AS/400 log file for previously listed messages.


Two Universal Brokers cannot execute and share common resources at the same time. To prevent two Brokers from running an exclusive lock is obtained on the Broker executable. A system error occurred while attempting to remove this Universal Broker lock.



System Action

Shutdown of Universal Broker continues.

User Action

Examine the Broker log for other messages that might indicate the cause of the problem. Manually remove the UBroker exclusive lock if needed. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV5316I Component compname compid meets restart criteria. Restart scheduled in delay seconds.


An instance of the component named compname with component ID compid ended with an exit condition that meets the restart criteria defined in its component definition. The component will be scheduled to restart in delay seconds.



System Action

The component will be scheduled for restart.

User Action

If the component ended unexpectedly, determine the reason it shutdown, and take corrective action to prevent further unexpected shutdowns.


Universal Broker


UNV5317E A error occurred while scheduling component compname for restart: func, errno, reason


An error occurred while scheduling component named compname for restart. The restart will not occur due to the error. p>func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The component restart is canceled.

User Action

Report the problem to Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV5318E Error restarting component compname: func, errno, reason


Universal Broker failed to restart the component identified by compname. The component is an auto-start component that was scheduled for restart. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. rc is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The Broker continues processing.

User Action

Check the component definition file to make sure the information there is correct. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV5319E Error calculating restart frequency for component compname compid: func, errno, reason


An error occurred attempting to calculate the restart frequency for component compname. The component is an auto-start component that is eligible for restart based on its exit criteria and the exit conditions of component ID compid. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. rc is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The Broker continues processing, but the component will not be restarted.

User Action

Report the problem to Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV5320W Server component compname restart frequency has been exceeded. Server will not be restarted.


The auto-start server compname is eligible for restart but it has exceeded its restart frequency as defined in the component definition. The server will not be restarted.



System Action

The Broker continues processing. The the component will not be restarted.

User Action

Determine the reason for the server component stopping and take corrective action to resolve the problem. Restart the server once the problem has been resolved.


Universal Broker


UNV5321W Component compname compid does not meet restart criteria. Server will not be restarted.


The auto-start server component compnaem is defined to be restarted under certiain conditions. The exit conditions of component #ID compid do not meet the restart criteria specified in the component definition.



System Action

The component will not be restarted.

User Action

If the component ended unexpectedly, determine the reason it shutdown, and take corrective action to prevent further unexpected shutdowns. Restart the server once the problem has been resolved.


Universal Broker


UNV5322E Component definition for non-autostart component compname is incorrectly configured for component restart.


The component restart feature is only available for autostart servers. The component named compname is not configured as an autostart server but is configured to use component restart.



System Action

If the error is detected during Broker initialization, the Broker fails initiailization and shuts down. If the error occurred during a configuration refresh operation, the Broker continues processing.

User Action

Change the component definition RESTART option or AUTO_START option as needed.


Universal Broker


UNV5323E Error processing console interface request: func, errno, reason


Universal Broker received a message from the z/OS console and encountered an error processing the message. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program continues processing.

User Action

If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV5324E Console interface open error: func, errno, reason


The console interface used to process MODIFY commands could not be opened. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV5325E Error processing console command 'cmd': func, errno, pm>reason


An error occurred processing console command cmd. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program continues processing.

User Action

If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV5326I Universal Broker is executing without superuser permission.


Universal Broker is executing with a user identifier that does not have superuser permission. Universal Broker typically executes with superuser permission in order to provide its full range of services. However the product can be configured with specific services diabled so that superuser access is not required.



System Action

Processing continues. If the product is not configured to run without superuser permission, potential security access errors may occur in the Universal Broker or in the server components.

User Action

No action required.


Universal Broker


UNV5327E Universal Broker real and effective uids are different: real=ruid, effective=euid.


The Universal Broker process (ubroker or ubrokerd) must be started using the ubrokerd script. The ubrokerd script starts the Universal Broker process so that both the real and effective uid values of the process are the same non-root value. For security purposes, it is not safe to run the Universal Broker with differing uid values. The Broker real uid value is ruid and the effective uid is euid.



System Action

The Broker terminates process.

User Action

Start the Universal Broker with the ubrokerd script.


Universal Broker


UNV5328E Failure setting up external link


The Broker failed to create an external link for launching Universal

Agent components.



System Action

The Broker will exit.

User Action

Make sure the Broker is properly installed.


Universal Broker


UNV5329E Failure removing external link


The Broker failed to remove an external link for launching Universal

Agent components.



System Action

An error is issued.

User Action

Make sure the Broker is properly installed.


Universal Broker


UNV5330E Failure setting up external link to DD:ddname: message


The Broker failed to create an external link for launching external commands in USS to the dataset reference by ddname. message is the reason for the failure.



System Action

The Broker will exit.

User Action

Make sure the Broker is properly installed and access is available to the temporary directory.


Universal Broker


UNV5331E The Broker load library is not APF authorized


The Broker load library, or one of the libraries in the STEPLIB is not

APF authorized.



System Action

The Broker will exit.

User Action

Make sure the Broker load library and all concatenated libraries in the

STEPLIB are properly APF authorized.


Universal Broker


UNV5332E Keystore directory verification failed: dir, func, reason


The user account running the ubroker program does not have sufficient access to the keystore directory, specified by dir. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure the user account running the ubroker program has the authority to create and write to files in the directory specified by dir.


Universal Broker


UNV5333E Cannot access keystore directory 'dir': reason


The keystore directory cannot be accessed. dir is the path name of the keystore directory as specified in the ubroker configuration. This is relative to the installation directory. reason is an explanation of the error. The keystore directory is the location in which ubroker creates default keys used to encrypt and decrypt Universal Agent command files.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Change the keystore directory in the ubroker configuration to a valid directory name.


Universal Broker


UNV5334E Error retrieving an encryption key of type type from the keystore in path: func, errno, reason


The Universal Broker was unable to obtain an encryption key from the store location that resides at path. type uniquely indentifies the key and is specific to encryption method for which the key is used. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number and reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates. If the Universal Broker issues this message, it means that an encryption key file exists in the keystore location, but the file doesn't contain the requested key type or is corrupt.

User Action

If the keystore file has been corrupted, it may be necessary to recreate the file or remove the file. This means that any Universal Encrypted files generated with that key will also need to be recreated. Otherwise, attempts to decrypt them will fail.

If the keystore file exists in another location, it may be possible to install that file to this Broker's keystore. The file system encodings must be the same, however, because a binary transfer of the file must be done.

Conact Stonebranch customer support if the problem can't be identified or resolved.


Universal Broker


UNV5335E Error retrieving an encryption key of type type from the remote keystore at loc: func, errno, reason


The Universal Broker was unable to obtain an encryption key from the remote store location hosted by the Broker at loc. type uniquely indentifies the key and is specific to encryption method for which the key is used. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number and reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

Several conditions may cause the Broker to issue this message. The Broker may not be able to connect to the remote Broker. The remote Broker's version may be earlier than, and the keystore query request is unrecognized. The remote Broker may not have any encyrption keys stored in its keystore. Other unexpected conditions will also be reported.

User Action

Review the error messages to identify the cause of the problem. If the Broker executing at the identified location isn't expected or intended to host a keystore, then change the local Broker's configuration. If keystore is corrupted, then it may be necessary to generate new keys. Universal Encrypted files that rely on the keys stored in that keystore must be recreated, or attempts to decrypt them using the new key will fail.

Conact Stonebranch customer support if the problem can't be identified or resolved.


Universal Broker


UNV5336E Error saving the encryption key to the local keystore file, fname:, errno, reason


An attempt to save an encryption key to the local keystore and file specified by fname failed. errno is the error number and reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Ensure the Broker has access to the specified file's directory and try again. Contact Stonebranch customer support if the problem persists.


Universal Broker


UNV5337I Encryption key request received from remote host at ipaddr.


The Universal Broker issues this message whenever it receives a request for an encryption key stored in the local Universal Keystore. This is a normal request that remote Universal Agent components will issue if they are configured to request a key from this Broker. If the remote component is another Broker, then it will cache this key after successful retrieval, making it available for Universal Agent components running on that system.

ipaddr is the IP address of the remote system upon which the Universal Agent component is installed.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

Note the location of the incoming request. If a Universal Agent is installed there, no further action is needed. If no Agent component exists on that system, identify the request's source and remove its access to this Broker.


Universal Broker


UNV5338E Cannot access Broker interface file directory 'dir': reason


The Broker interface file directory, used to store local Broker interface information for Manager components, could not be accessed. dir is complete path name of the interface file directory. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure the directory exists and the user account running the ubroker program has access to this directory.


Universal Broker


UNV5339I The Universal Broker service svcname was successfully removed.


Reports that removal of a Universal Broker installed via a user mode install was successful. The Broker identified by svcname is removed from the Service Control Manager along with its registered event source.



System Action

The program ends successfully.

User Action

None required.


Universal Broker


UNV5340I License Information Received: CUSTOMER customer, EXPIREDATE expdate (dateval), DISTRIBUTED distcnt, ZOS zoscnt, USAP usapcnt, UPPS uppscnt, SOA proto, REGISTERED reg


Displays the licence information received from the Universal Controller.

- customer is the name of the license holder.

- expdate is the raw expiration date/time, expressed as the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.

- dateval is the value expressed in a readable local date/time.

- distcnt is the number of distributed agents licensed by the Universal Controller.

- zoscnt is the number of zOS agents licensed by the Universal Controller, including any agents running on sysplex partner systems.

- usapcnt is the total number of concurrent SAP connections that are available for distribution among all USAP components.

- uppscnt is the total number of concurrent PeopleSoft connections that are available for distribution among all UPPS components.

- proto is a value that represents the Web service protocols Universal Agent for SOA may use.

- reg indicates whether or not the agent obtained a license from Universal Controller. When this value is "no", it likely indicates that all available distributed or zOS agent licenses have been consumed.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

None required. This information is provided to simplify any license-related troubleshooting.


Universal Broker


UNV5341E The Universal Controller was unable to grant a license to this agent (errno): reason


The agent expected to receive a license from a Universal Controller, but the Controller refused to grant a license to the agent. errno is the error number that indicates the reason for the refusal. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program continues, although no licensed components will be permitted to run.

User Action

Investigate the cause of the failure. If necessary, apply a current, updated license to the Controller to resolve the problem.


Universal Broker


UNV5342I No license information was received from Universal Controller.


The agent received a response to its HELLO message from a Universal Controller, but no or later information that includes global license parameters was contained in that response. All licensed agent components will continue to use license information contained in local configuration files.



System Action

The program continues and uses locally-configured license information.

User Action

Install or upgrade to a or later Universal Controller. Eventually, <->

Universal Agents will be required to obtain their license information from a Controller. Even if the Controller is not used for workload automation, it must still be available to function as a central license manager.


Universal Broker


UNV5343I name database file fname failed verification and will be recreated.


During startup, the Universal Broker detected a corruption in the database identified by name, which resides in the file specified by fname. This can happen whenever the previous instance of the Universal Broker was <->

forcefully terminated while a write to the database was still in progress.

This message is issued when the Universal Broker's recreate_databases configuration option is set to "yes", which instructs the Broker to delete and recreate the corrupted database so that Broker startup can proceed without intervention.



System Action

Broker database verification continues.

User Action

No action required


Universal Broker


UNV5344E Minimum SSL protocol cannot be higher than the maximum.


The user has set the minimum SSL protocol to a value that is higher than the maximum SSL protocol. This is not a valid configuration; the minimum must be lower or equal to the maximum.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure the minimum SSL protocol is lower or equal to the maximum.


Universal Broker

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