PagerDuty: Manage Alerts

PagerDuty: Manage Alerts


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This Universal Task allows Stonebranch users to notify PagerDuty (Incident management platform) in the event of job Failure or long run of a job or Early finish of a job or any other event in Universal Controller. Furthermore, PagerDuty can help to aggregate alerts and group them, and provide reliable notifications, automatic escalations and on-call scheduling that could help fix support issues quickly.

Users can orchestrate the following functionalities in PagerDuty using this Universal Task:

  • PagerDuty Incident

    • Create Incident

    • List Incidents

    • Update Incident Notes

  • PagerDuty Event

    • Create PagerDuty Event

  • PagerDuty User Management

    • Create a user in PagerDuty

    • Delete a user in PagerDuty

Software Requirements

This integration requires an Universal Agent and a Python runtime to execute the Universal Task against PagerDuty.

Software Requirements for Universal Template and Universal Task

Requires Python 3.6 or higher. Tested with the Universal Agent bundled Python distribution.

  • Python modules required

    • requests

Software Requirements for Universal Agent

  • Universal Agent for Windows x64 Version 6.9 and later with Python options installed

  • Universal Agent for Linux Version 6.9 and later with Python options installed

Software Requirements for Universal Controller

  • Universal Controller Version and later

Software Requirements for the Application to be Scheduled

This Universal Task has been tested with PagerDuty REST API V2 for incidents functionalities ,User creation & deletion and Events API V2 for event creation in PagerDuty.

Technical Considerations

  • This task uses Python modules requests to make REST-API calls to the PagerDuty environment.

  • PagerDuty API URL ,API token and PagerDuty user email would be required as basic input for this Universal Task.

  • Refer to PagerDuty API URL: https://developer.pagerduty.com/api-reference/

Key Features



Create Incident

This feature helps to create an incident in PagerDuty for an event in Universal Controller; for example: Job Failure or Job running longer.

List Incidents

List Incidents that are in PagerDuty with status triggered or resolved or acknowledged for a PagerDuty service ID.

Update Incident notes

Update a work note for an existing incident in PagerDuty.

Create Event

Create an event in PagerDuty; Specifying the details of the event in Universal Controller; severity, Job Name, Job Type, Description, Event Action.

Create User

Creates an user account in PagerDuty.

Delete User

Deletes an user account in PagerDuty.

Import PagerDuty Integration Downloadable Universal Template

To use this downloadable Universal Template, you first must perform the following steps:

  1. This Universal Task requires the Resolvable Credentials feature. Check that the Resolvable Credentials Permitted system property has been set to true.
  2. To import the Universal Template into your Controller, follow the instructions here.
  3. When the files have been imported successfully, refresh the Universal Templates list; the Universal Template will appear on the list.

Configure PagerDuty Integration Universal Task

For the new Universal Task type, create a new task, and enter the task-specific details that were created in the Universal Template.

Field Descriptions for PagerDuty Integration Universal Task



PagerDuty Function

Select the functions that needs to be performed in PagerDuty.

PagerDuty API URL

For Event creation select : https://events.pagerduty.com/v2/enqueue and other functionality select : https://api.pagerduty.com/.

PD API Token /Routing Key

Provide the API token for incident and routing key for Event creation.

PD User Email

Provide the valid Pager Duty user Email address.


specify the incident title or an event summary.

Incident/Dedup Key

Provide an Incident key for PagerDuty incident E.g: Universal Controller job name.

PagerDuty Service ID

Service ID in PagerDuty where the incident needs to be created.

Incident Details

Provide the incidents that needs to be in pager duty.


Select the urgency of the event in Universal Controller.

Conference Number

Conference Bridge Details for the meeting (Incase if the support needs to gets in to conference call ).

Conference URL

URL for the conference meeting.

Incident ID

Provide the PagerDuty incident ID (Incase where the PagerDuty Incident note needs an update).

Incident Note

Include the note that needs to be updated for the incident.

Select Incident Status

Select the status for which the incident details needs to be retrieved from PagerDuty.

Event Action

Select the appropriate event Action trigger or acknowledge or resolve.


Select either one of the status that would be appropriate (Critical, Error, Warning, and Info).

Event Source System

The unique location of the affected system, preferably a hostname or FQDN.

Job Type

provide the job type which will fit in the component field of the pager duty event.

Job Status

Job status that will fit in to the class field for the pager duty event creation.

User ID

PagerDuty User ID.


Name of the PagerDuty user.

User Email Address

User's Email Address.

Job Title

Provide the Job title of the user.

User Role

The role of the user; for example,  administration.

Time Zone

Specify the user time zone.


Summary about the user creation request.

Examples for PageDuty Integration Universal Tasks

Create Incident in PagerDuty

List Incidents in PagerDuty

PagerDuty Update Incident Note

Create Event in Pager Duty

Create User in PagerDuty

Delete User in PagerDuty

Document References

This document references the following documents:



Universal Templates

User documentation for creating Universal Templates in the Universal Controller user interface.

Universal Tasks

User documentation for creating Universal Tasks in the Universal Controller user interface.

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