Oracle EBS Request

Oracle EBS Request


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This Universal Task provides the capabilities for submitting Oracle EBS Concurrent Requests by using CONCSUB CLI Command with additional capabilities like fetching the logs and output files, validating successful execution and running EBS environment script before running the concurrent request.

The CONCSUB command is an operating system utility used to submit concurrent requests in Oracle E-Business Suite. It allows users to submit requests without having to log in to the Oracle E-Business Suite application.

Version Information

Template NameExtension NameExtension Version
Oracle EBS Requestue-cs-oracle-ebs1.0.6

Refer to Changelog for version history information.


Software Requirements for Universal Template and Universal Task

This integration requires CONCSUB command and optionally an environment script to set the config parameters of the CONCSUB command like ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID and so on.

Software Requirements Universal Agent

Only Linux agents are supported:

  • Universal Agent for Linux Version and later with python options installed.

Software Requirements Universal Controller

Universal Controller Version and later.

Key Features

The Universal Task provides the following key features:

  • Submit Concurrent Request
  • Fetch Logs
  • Execute Environment Script

Import Universal Template

To use the Universal Template, you first must perform the following steps.

  1. This Universal Task requires the Resolvable Credentials feature. Check that the Resolvable Credentials Permitted system property has been set to true.

  2. To import the Universal Template into your Controller, follow the instructions here.

  3. When the files have been imported successfully, refresh the Universal Templates list; the Universal Template will appear on the list.

Configure Universal Task

For a new Universal Task, create a new task, and enter the required input fields.

The following lists the input fields required for a selected Action.

Supported Actions

The following Actions are supported:


Use Case

Required Parameters


Submitting Concurrent Request

  • Action: Required (Type: Choice)
  • Credential: Required (Type: Credential)
  • Username: Required (Type: Text)
  • Resp App Short Name: Required (Type: Text)
  • Responsibility: Required (Type: Text)
  • Program Short Name: Required (Type: Text)
  • Program Name: Required (Type: Text)
  • Run Environment: Required (Type: Boolean)
  • Fetch Logs: Required (Type: Boolean)
  • Out Path: Required (Type: Text)
  • Request ID: Required (Type: Text)

Action: Submit

Input Fields

The input fields for this Universal Task are described in the following table.

Input Type
Default Value
ChoiceThe action to be executed. Only "Submit" action is possible.
CredentialCredentials for <Oracle ID> in CONCSUB command. Username and password of the ORACLE ID for Applications.
UsernameRequiredSYSADMINTextEnter value for Username for CONCSUB command. Enter the name of your Application Object Library user.
Resp App Short NameRequired
TextThe application short name of the responsibility whose concurrent processing options to be used
TextEnter value for Responsibility name. This name, along with your responsibility application short name, will be used to select a responsibility for your concurrent request to run in
Program Short NameRequired
TextThe application short name of the concurrent program
Program NameRequired
TextThe uppercase name of the program. It must be the short name that was enter in the Concurrent Programs window when defining a concurrent program
Operating UnitOptional
TextOptional. Introduced in R12, set to org id required for the report to be run with. (ORG_ID)
TextThe NLS language for the request
ChoiceWhether to show this concurrent request on the View Requests form.
TextThe NLS territory for the request
ArrayEnter values for CONCSUB Attributes. The attributes order must be same as the definitions. Name field is only informative purposed, only the value will be used in the command.
Binary PathOptional
TextEnter value for CONCSUB command path. Leave blank if the CONCSUB command is in PATH
Run Environment Script
RequiredfalseBooleanEnvironment Script will be executed if selected.
Environment PathOptional/u01/install/APPS/EBSapps.envTextEnter value for EBS environment script file. Required if 'Run Environment Script' field is selected
Fetch LogsRequiredfalseBooleanSelect to enable fetching logs
Fetch Logs On FailureOptionalfalseBooleanSelect to enable fetching logs -ONLY- on failure
Out PathOptional
TextEnter value for the out folder path. If empty, fetching out file will be ignored
Log PathOptional
TextEnter value for the log folder path. If empty, fetching log file will be ignored
TextThis field will display request id

Task Examples

Configuration examples - Running a request with Environment Script

Configuration examples - Running a request and Fetch Logs

You need to provide the path of the out and log folders. You can use UC functions like ${_date('yyyy-MM-dd')} to use the current date in the path.

Task Output

Exit Codes

The exit codes for this Universal Extension are described below.

Exit CodeStatus Classification CodeStatus Classification DescriptionDescription
0SUCCESSSuccessful ExecutionSUCCESS: Successful Task execution
1FAILEDFailed ExecutionThis exit code indicates that there was a problem in the CONCSUB commands main fields like responsibility or responsibility app short name. Check the output to see the error message that is returned from CONCSUB command
11FAILEDBinary Path not found

The CONCSUB binary path does not exists or not accessible by the user that runs the command. Check the user in the Credential under the Agent Details, if the Credential value is empty than the task will be executed by the agents default user (Default: ubroker) and check if that user have permission to the folder.

12FAILEDFile not foundThe environment script not found or not accessible by the user. Check the user in the Credential under the Agent Details, if the Credential value is empty than the task will be executed by the agents default user (Default: ubroker) and check if that user have permission to the folder.
Concurrent Manager encountered an error
CONCSUB command submitted the request but the request had an error or warning in EBS. Check the EBS Attributes and then check the outputs
Program exited with status X
The concurrent program exited with a status other than 0. Exit code will be same as the status code. Check the EBS Attributes and then check the outputs. 


STDOUT and STDERR provide additional information to the User. The populated content can be changed in future versions of this extension without notice. Backward compatibility is not guaranteed.

STDOUT will have the output from CONCSUB command and the log file content

EXTENSION will have the output from out file.

Document References

This document references the following documents:

Document Link


Universal Templates

User documentation for creating, working with, and understanding Universal Templates and Integrations.

Universal Tasks

User documentation for creating Universal Tasks in the Universal Controller user interface.

Known Issues

  • There are no known issues


ue-cs-oracle-ebs-1.0.6 (2024-01-10)


  • Initial Version

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