IBM i Task

IBM i Task

Before You Begin

The IBM i task allows you to run a platform-specific application on an IBM i machine. To run a IBM i task, you must first complete the following tasks:

Built-In Variables

The following built-in variables can be used in a IBM i task to pass data where appropriate:

Creating an IBM i Task

Step 1

From the Automation Center navigation pane, select Tasks > IBM i Tasks. The IBM i Tasks list displays a list of all currently defined IBM i tasks.
To the right of the list, IBM i Task Details for a new IBM i task displays.

Step 2

Enter / select Details for a new IBM i task, using the field descriptions below as a guide.

  • Required fields display an asterisk ( * ) after the field name.
  • Default values for fields, if available, display automatically.

To display more of the Details fields on the screen, you can either:

  • Use the scroll bar.
  • Temporarily hide the list above the Details.
  • Click the  button above the list to display a pop-up version of the Details.

Step 3

Click the  button. The task is added to the database, and all buttons and tabs in the Task Details are enabled.


To open an existing record on the list, either:

  • Click a record in the list to display its record Details below the list. (To clear record Details below the list, click the New button that displays above and below the Details.)
  • Clicking the Details icon next to a record name in the list, or right-click a record in the list and then click Open in the Action menu that displays, to display a pop-up version of the record Details.
  • Right-click a record in the a list, or open a record and right-click in the record Details, and then click Open In Tab in the Action menu that displays, to display the record Details under a new tab on the record list page (see Record Details as Tabs).

IBM i Task Details

The following IBM i Task Details is for an existing IBM i task.

Depending on the values that you enter / select for these fields, and whether or not the IBM i task has ever been launched, more (or less) fields may display. See the field descriptions, below, for a description of all fields that may display in the IBM i Task Details.

IBM i Task Details Field Descriptions

The following table describes the fields, buttons, and tabs that display in the IBM i Task Details.

Field Name



This section contains general information about the task.


User-defined name of this task (Maximum = 255 alphanumeric characters); variables supported. It is the responsibility of the user to develop a workable naming scheme for tasks.


System-supplied; version number of the current record, which is incremented by the Controller every time a user updates a record. Click the Versions tab to view previous versions. For details, see Record Versioning.


Description of this record. Maximum length is 255 characters.

Member of Business Services

User-defined; Allows you to select one or more Business Services that this record belongs to.  (You also can Check All or Uncheck All Business Services for this record.)

You can select up to 62 Business Services for any record type, and enter a maximum of 2048 characters for each Business Service.

If the Business Service Visibility Restricted Universal Controller system property is set to true, depending on your assigned (or inherited) Permissions or Roles, Business Services available for selection may be restricted.

Resolve Name Immediately

If enabled, the Instance Name of the task instance will be resolved immediately at trigger/launch time.

Time Zone Preference

User-defined; Allows you to specify the time zone that will be applied to the task.


  • – System Default –
    Time zone is based on the value of the Task Time Zone Preference Universal Controller system property: Server or Inherited.
  • Server (xxx)
    Where (xxx) is the time zone ID of the server; time zone is evaluated in the time zone of the server.
  • Inherited
    Time zone is evaluated in the time zone of the Parent Workflow or Trigger / Launch specification in the case there is no Parent Workflow.

Hold on Start

If enabled, when the task is launched it appears in the Activity Monitor with a status of Held. The task runs when the user releases it.

Hold Reason

Information about why the task will be put on hold when it starts.

Virtual Resource Priority

Priority for acquiring a resource when two or more tasks are waiting for the resource. This priority applies to all resources required by the task.

Options: 1 (high) - 100 (low).

Default is 10.

Hold Resources on Failure

If enabled, the task instance will continue to hold Renewable resources if the task instance fails. Renewable resources will be returned only if the task instance status is either Complete, Finished, or Skipped.

Mutually Exclusive With Self

If enabled, the task will not be allowed to run concurrently with itself. Task will not start until the instance that is running finishes. An instance will transition to Exclusive Wait status if it cannot start due to another instance already running. 


Specifies if the instance should execute under simulation mode

Override Previous Instance Wait

Specifies whether or not to override the parent workflow's Previous Instance Wait configuration.

This option only applies for an instance running within a workflow.


  • No

    Behavior determined by the parent workflow configuration.
  • Yes / -- None --

    Regardless of the parent workflow configuration, the task instance will never wait for a previous instance to complete.
  • Yes / Wait for Last

    Regardless of the parent workflow configuration, the task instance will remain in Instance Wait until the most recent prior instance of the same task has completed.
  • Yes / Wait for Last / Same Workflow

    Regardless of the parent workflow configuration, the task instance will remain in Instance Wait until the most recent prior instance of the same task, within an instance of the same workflow, have completed.
  • Yes / Wait for All

    Regardless of the parent workflow configuration, the task instance will remain in Instance Wait until all prior instances of the same task has completed.
  • Yes / Wait for All / Same Workflow

    Regardless of the parent workflow configuration, the task instance will remain in Instance Wait until all prior instances of the same task, within an instance of the same workflow, have completed.

Agent Details

This section contains assorted detailed information about the Agent / Agent Cluster selected for this task.


Indication that selecting an Agent Cluster is required and selecting Broadcast, which lets you select a Cluster Broadcast, is optional.  If Cluster is selected, selecting an Agent is not required unless Agent Variable is selected.


Name of the Agent resource that identifies the machine where the operation will run. If you do not specify an Agent, you must specify an Agent Cluster or Cluster Broadcast.

Agent Variable

Indication of whether the Agent field is a reference field for selecting a specific Agent (unchecked) or a text field for specifying the Agent as a variable (checked). Use the format: ${variable name}. The variable must be a supported type as described in Variables and Functions.


When updating multiple Tasks, to change from using an Agent reference to using an Agent variable, you must change the Agent Variable field to Yes and specify the Agent variable in the Agent Unresolved field. Conversely, to change from using an Agent variable to using an Agent reference, you must change the Agent Variable field to No and specify the Agent reference in the Agent field.

Agent Cluster

If Cluster is selected and Broadcast is not selected; Group of Agents, one of which the Controller will choose to run this task (compare with Cluster Broadcast). You can specify an agent cluster in addition to or in place of a specific Agent. If you specify an Agent and an agent cluster, the Controller first tries to run the task on the specific agent. If the Agent is not available, the Controller reverts to the agent cluster. See Agent Clusters for more information.

Agent Cluster Variable

Indication of whether the Agent Cluster field is a reference field for selecting a specific Agent Cluster (unchecked) or a text field for specifying the Agent Cluster as a variable (checked). Use the format: ${variable name}.

The variable must be a supported type as described in Variables and Functions.


When updating multiple Tasks, to change from using an Agent Cluster reference to using an Agent Cluster variable, you must change the Agent Cluster Variable field to Yes and specify the Agent Cluster variable in the Agent Cluster Unresolved field. Conversely, to change from using an Agent Cluster variable to using an Agent Cluster reference, you must change the Agent Cluster Variable field to No and specify the Agent Cluster reference in the Agent Cluster field.


Displays only if Cluster is selected; Indication that selecting a Cluster Broadcast is required. Selecting Broadcast hides the Agent and Agent Cluster fields; you cannot select values for them.

Cluster Broadcast

Group of Agents, all of which will run this task (compare with Agent Cluster). If Broadcast is selected for a task, you must select a Cluster Broadcast instead of a specific Agent and/or agent cluster. Each instance of the task running on its own Agent becomes a separate task instance record in the database and displays separately on the Activity Monitor.

Cluster Broadcast Variable

Indication of whether the Cluster Broadcast field is a reference field for selecting a specific Cluster Broadcast (unchecked) or a text field for specifying the Cluster Broadcast as a variable (checked). Use the format:

${variable name}.

The variable must be a supported type as described in Variables and Functions.


When updating multiple Tasks, to change from using a Cluster Broadcast reference to using a Cluster Broadcast variable, you must change the Cluster Broadcast Variable field to Yes and specify the Cluster Broadcast variable in the Cluster Broadcast Unresolved field. Conversely, to change from using a Cluster Broadcast variable to using a Cluster Broadcast reference, you must change the Cluster Broadcast Variable field to No and specify the Cluster Broadcast reference in the Cluster Broadcast field.


Credentials under which an Agent runs this task. These Credentials override any Credentials provided in the Agent Details for any Agent running this task.

If the user does not have a login shell, add a - character in front of the runtime credentials name. The Controller will provide a shell for that user and strip the - character from the name.

Required if the Agent Credentials Required Universal Controller system property is true. When required, if the Credential is specified as a variable, and the variable resolves to blank, a Start Failure will occur.

Credentials Variable

Indication of whether the Credentials field is a reference field for selecting a specific Credential (unchecked) or a text field for specifying the Credential as a variable (checked). Use the format: ${variable name}.

The variable must be a supported type as described in Variables and Functions.


When updating multiple Tasks, to change from using a Credentials reference to using a Credentials variable, you must change the Credentials Variable field to Yes and specify the Credentials variable in the Credentials Unresolved field. Conversely, to change from using a Credentials variable to using a Credentials reference, you must change the Credentials Variable field to No and specify the Credentials reference in the Credentials field.

IBM i Details

This section contains assorted detailed information about the task.

Command or Script

Specifies whether a single command or a script is being executed.


  • Command (default)
  • Script

If the Windows/Linux Scripts Permitted Universal Controller system property is set to false:

  • The Command or Script field is set to Command and is read-only.
  • If the Command or Script field is set to Script, the field becomes modifiable so that you can change it to Command.


Required if Command or Script = Script; Name of the script in the Controller database that will be executed by this task.


If you click the Details icon for a Script selected in this field, the Script Type field in the Details is read-only.


Required if Command or Script = Command; Command being executed on the remote machine. Variables supported.

Command Type

Specifies the type of command used to execute.


  • CL (default)
  • REXX
  • PASE
Job NameSpecifies the name associated with the job when it is processed by the system.
Job DescriptionSpecifies the job description used with the job.
Job QueueSpecifies the job queue in which this job is placed.
Job Priority(On JOBQ)Specifies the job queue scheduling priority. The highest priority is 1 and the lowest priority is 9.
Output QueueSpecifies the qualified name of the output queue used for spooled files that specify OUTQ(*JOB). This parameter applies only to printer files that have *JOB specified on the OUTQ parameter.

Output Priority(On OUTQ)

Specifies the output priority for spooled output files produced by this job. The highest priority is 1 and the lowest priority is 9.
Print DeviceSpecifies the qualified name of the default printer device for this job. If the printer file being used to create the output specifies to spool the file, the spooled file is placed on the device's output queue, which is named the same as the device.
End SeveritySpecifies the message severity level that must be reached in order for the Initiator job to terminate.

Parameters/Additional SBMJOB Parameters

Any arguments needed by the program to execute properly. Variables supported.


For the SBMJOB command type, the Parameters field is labeled as Additional SBMJOB Parameters, but the functionality is the same.

Runtime Directory

Directory from which the application should be executed. Variables supported.

Environment Variables

Allows you to enter environment variables needed by the program to run.

To add a variable, click the + icon and enter a Name and Value. To delete a variable, select in the list of variables and click the - icon.

You can add a maximum of 4,000 characters for the combined Names and Values of all variables. The variable is listed in the space underneath.

Result Processing DetailsThis section contains assorted detailed information about result processing for this task.

Exit Code Processing

Specifies how the Controller should determine whether the executed command failed or completed successfully.


  • Success Exitcode Range
    Command is considered completed successfully if its exit code falls within the range specified in the Exit Codes field.
  • Failure Exitcode Range
    Command is considered failed if its exit code falls within the range specified in the Exit Codes field.
  • Success Output Contains
    Command is considered completed successfully if its output contains the text specified in the Scan Output For field.
  • Failure Output Contains
    Command is considered failed if its output contains the text specified in the Scan Output For field.
  • Step Conditions (z/OS only)
    Command is considered completed successfully/failed if any of its specified condition codes falls within the range specified under the Step Conditions tab (see Creating Step Conditions).

Output Type

Required if Exit Code Processing = Success Output Contains or Failure Output Contains; type of output.


  • Standard Output (STDOUT)
  • Standard Error (STDERR)
  • File
  • Extension

Scan Output For

Required if Exit Code Processing = Success Output Contains or Failure Output Contains; text for which the Controller should scan the output file. The Controller will process this field as a regular expression.

Output File (for Exit Code Processing)

Required if Output Type = File; path and file name of the output file that should be scanned for the text in the Scan Output For field.

Exit Codes

Required if Exit Code Processing = Success Exitcode Range or Failure Exitcode Range; range of exit codes. Format: Numeric. Use commas to list a series of exit codes; use hyphens to specify a range. Example: 1,5, 22-30.

Variables are supported.

Automatic Output Retrieval

Specifies whether you want the Controller to automatically retrieve any output from the job and attach it to the task instance record.

The Task Automatic Output Retrieval Default Universal Controller system property specifies the default value for this field.


  • None
    Do not attach any output to the task instance record.
  • Standard Output
    Attach all standard output.
  • Standard Error
    Attach standard error output.
  • File
    Attach the file specified in the Output File field.
  • Standard Output/Error
    Attach all standard output and standard error output.


Tasks specifying Automatic Output Retrieval will fail with Start Failure if the Agent Output Prohibited field is true in the Details of the specified Agent.

Wait For Output

If Automatic Output Retrieval = Standard Output, Standard Error, File, or Standard Output/Error, and Failure Only is not enabled (checked); Specification that the task should wait for the requested output before completing.

Failure Only

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Start Line

If Automatic Output Retrieval = Standard Output, Standard Error, File, or Standard Output/Error; Instructs the Controller to retrieve data beginning at the line indicated.

  • If a Start Line value is not specified, the default is 1.
  • If the Start Line value i